Summer ended, you're feeling great and are pumped to head back to campus, buy a ton of school supplies you'll never use, and see everyone you've been missing since you left. You feel like you're on top of the world, and who could blame you?
And then, life at school happens. Welcome week hits you like a brick. Your dorm is infested with some disgusting disease outbreak every other week. Your frat decided to leave the black mold in all of the bathrooms. The distant midterms turn into a week of no sleep when you realize you once again procrastinated everything- then manage to procrastinate procrastinating.
We do it to ourselves, but it's at least comforting to know that we're all in this health hellhole together.
1. "The best I can give you is a fake smile and dead eyes"
*Has a routine sleep schedule of 3am-whenever I finally force myself to rise from the dead*
2. "We struggle so hard to hold onto all of these things that we know are going to disappear eventually"
Sanity? A life outside of Nyquil? Being sure of your mental well being?
3. "Because sometimes even if you know how something is going to end, that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the ride"
In terms of my first day health kick? Or my GPA after first round of midterms?
4. "The littlest thing can cause a ripple effect that changes your life"
The first disease you catch that spirals into new illnesses every week for the rest of the semester.
5. "That's life, you know. We never end up where we thought we wanted to be"
Think- bonding with the good people of urgent care or minute clinic that you've seen too many times to count.
6. "Sometimes we search for one thing, and discover another"
When you're trudging through the medicine isles and find your favorite cough drops that they've been out of for too long. *soft tears*
7. "Everyone has an opinion on how long it takes to recover"
Yeah, between a week and three months for a cold.. then it turns into the flu for a couple of weeks.. sometimes bronchitis next, then maybe pink eye. Life is full of adventure!
8. "I haven't eaten for two days"
The absolute WORST thing about sickness. Like food is my happiness, please leave me and my stomach alone.
9. "There are a lot of little reasons why the big things in our lives happen"
Hm, I wonder what caused me to be bedridden this time? Going out Tuesday through Saturday? Eating a cookie off the ground at a frat because I live by the 10-second rule? Not sleeping for a month?
10. "I keep waiting for it to happen. I'm waiting for it to happen. I guess I'm just tired of waiting"
Me waking up every day praying that I don't cough my lung out in class that afternoon, or going a whole day without dreaming about, then proceeding to take a fat nap.
11. "He may not fit society's definition of a hero, but he is the hero I needed"
Advil, z-pack, ibuprofen, DayQuil, cough drops, and a whole lot of melatonin.
12. "It's time to let go of the fantasies. It's time to grow up"
Laying in bed all stuffy deciding that it is going to forever be this way and your best bet is to find a way to marry your cough drops because they're the ones who are really there for you.
13. "The future is scary but you can't just run back into the past because it's familiar"
Okay, familiarity is pushing it. Sometimes I don't remember when the hell I felt like I could breathe properly... But I know for sure it wasn't any time during the school year.
14. "Whether a gesture is charming or alarming depends on the way it was received"
Your mood when the nurse tells you that you once again have *insert various reoccurring health problem*. Did she throw it on you with no benefits? Or tell you that it'd be best if you stay out of class for a week (so a week and a half to be safe)
15. "It's gonna be legen.. wait for it.. dary!!"
Me IRL when I am no longer cursed with this never ending cycle of tissue boxes, unnatural sleep schedules and tears.