College is hard. The movies hype it up to be partying, fun, and shenanigans always. I personally have always been excited to go to college and have the ultimate college experience. I love Villanova and I love college. But I struggle to do well and stay on top of my work often. My friends are all very smart. I somehow ended up in the honors dorm by chance even though I myself am not in honors. They are all so intelligent and I envy it. I wish I could do as well as they do on my exams.
I study and I go to tutoring. I'm open about it because I think using your resources is smart. Some people find tutoring is embarrassing but I think it's helpful in furthering yourself when you need help. I definitely try my best and strive to do well. A lot of people who know me think I just fool around but I do care.
College is hard. You want to spend time with your friends when they do fun things. You want to slack off and nap. It is important to learn that at a point, you are becoming an adult. School is helping you reach your job aspirations or graduate school. Your parents are not around anymore to nag you. You need to learn to be trying your best for yourself.
People joke that being a business major is easy. I know it is supposed to be but I still struggle with it. I think every major should be treated with respect despite their presumed level of difficulty. Classes can be a struggle. Homework can be hard. Exams can be mind-boggling.
College is hard and I think that admitting that is okay. It is hard to stay focused. It is hard not to slack off. It is hard not to only want fun. College is a learning curve that we all can get past.