How do I bounce back from not a so good semester in college? The second semester of your college career is your chance to improve and step up your ability to focus and study. Apply your-self to your work and classes, evaluate last semester and learn from your mistakes.
Step One: Evaluate.
Take a step back and compare this semester and your last spring semester. Look at your study habits, did anything change? Did you study alone or with people? What ways did you change throughout the first semester? How did this year effect your school work and social life? Was there any new distractions that caused you to lose focus on your goal? Now, compare your class difficulties. Were they harder or easier? Remember, if you choose easy and laid back classes, you might slack off and not pay attention.
Step Two: Be Honest.
After evaluating your school work ethic, let’s look at your personal life and how much time you've committed to school work. I’m going to be honest, I spent too much time on Netflix and Facebook this semester, and I paid for it by gaining a bad grade. How many of us college students waste time on social media and TV during the week? About the majority of our time, we are more worried about our social lives. Now, how many of us got bad grades? After admitting to not doing well this semester, it’s time to get our butts in gear and work on your ability to bounce back a get that good grade.
Step Three: Study Plan.
I understand as students we have all heard the different ways to study like; how, when, where, and who to study with. Those same old techniques get annoying and boring real fast. Then you are back at the cycle where you are on a steady track, then you slow down and get frustrated. Eventually, you ended up quitting and dropping out of the class. That’s what we don’t want to do, RIGHT? This article isn’t going to tell you how to study, it’s going to tell you to plan it yourself. We are all adults and we need to self-discipline ourselves. We have to step up and become leaders of our generation! We can’t do that by sitting around complaining about our grades. Sit down, and figure out the right course for you. If you need food to study use it, if you prefer music listen to it, and if you need quite, find a room by yourself.Step Four: Put It Into Action.
Luck can only bring you so far in a college career. It’s up to you alone to get that degree and prove that you could DO IT!