Your order at a bar can say a lot about you. Read ahead to find out what a guy's drink order says about them!
1. Craft beer or an IPA
Everyone knows this guy. He might not actually like beer, in all honesty, but he orders a craft beer to look cool with his buddies. This guy cares a lot about what everyone thinks of him. He always asks the approval of his friends before even approaching a girl in public. This guy is pretty nice, but can end up being pretty shallow.
2. Shots
This guy is pretty common here at WVU. He's probably with his frat brothers at the bar, actually. He wastes no time—he knows that he wants to get drunk and he wants to do it quickly. (Nothing wrong with that.) Only approach this guy if you're ready to try keeping up with him... Or if you're OK with tucking him into bed at the end of a long night.
3. Whiskey neat
This guy is pretty similar to the "craft beer" guy. He cares a lot about public opinion. But unlike the "craft beer" guy, "whiskey" guy wants to come off as ULTRA-masculine. This guy wants you to assume that he woodworks and builds his own furniture. (Spoiler: He probably doesn't.)
4. Long Island iced tea
I can't say anything bad about this guy–a Long Island is usually my go-to drink order. Like "shots" guy, he knows that he wants to get drunk, and he knows that he wants to do it quickly. But unlike "shots" guy, "Long Island" guy doesn't want the taste of rubbing alcohol on his tongue all night. You do you.
5. Martini
I have HONESTLY never met a guy that orders a martini as his go-to. I've only ever seen a guy order a martini when it was on special. I don't really think these guys exist—maybe they do, but I've never seen one in real life. My assumption is that if a guy orders one of these, he wants you to know that he's much more sophisticated than you are.
6. Tequila Sunrise
I can't say no to tequila. And neither can this guy. But he's concerned with aesthetics. He wants to order tequila, but still wants his drink to be aesthetically pleasing. The guy that orders a Tequila Sunrise at the bar is probably really fun. I want to be his friend.
7. Anything with Red Bull
I know I said that the "Tequila Sunrise" guy was pretty fun, but the guy that orders a Red Bull drink is fun. (Probably not the type to settle down, but he's still really fun.) He's your stereotypical "sleep all day, party all night" type of guy. The only way he can accomplish this, though, is by adding caffeine to his alcohol. (No judgements, I've been there.) This guy will probably slide into your DMs and ghost you a few weeks later.
Bonus points if he orders a Trashcan.