Let's be real- we all do little things that may be annoying to others. Sure, in the grand scheme of things this isn't a huge deal but wouldn't you like to know some of the things that bother the guy you like? I figured getting some insight directly from the source would do more good than harm because honestly, once you begin to see these annoyances it's hard to un-notice them.
We all need to remember that after all, we're only human and nobody is perfect (if you think they can be... you are very unrealistic.) But regardless, pet peeves are a real thing so why not get a head start in the game?
I talked to 12 guys and got them to confess what bothers them most and things you should avoid.
"I don't like when they are overly sweet. Saying 'whatever you want to do!' gets old!" — A, 21
"When someone is being too clingy or when they feel the need to post every little thing about our relationship on social media." — K, 22
"I think the obvious one from all guys is a girl's inability to say what they want to eat or the girl who doesn't say what bothers her until it turns into a full-blown fight. Also, girls who expect the guy to always initiate something." — C, 23Â
"When they expect you to not have a life outside of them. Like when they get mad at you for going out with your friends." — A, 22
"Dwelling on the past and not making something of the future. To me, that's a big thing because it starts off ruining trust from the beginning and wrecks the relationship." — P, 22
"I hate when people are just weird at first about asking questions or texting back too fast or whatever. Just be yourself. You don't have to put up a front."  — R, 24
"I hate when girls complain about being over weight when in reality they are skinny as shit. Be confident." — N, 21
"How long it takes for them to get out of the apartment when it's time to leave. Girls always have to be the last one out." — L, 22
"When they can't decide on anything they want to do when we want to go out." — A, 22
"It bothers me when the person I'm on a date with can't put their phone down." — G, 21Â
"Whenever a girl tries to act like she's too good to have a fun time. Don't worry about doing something you think is embarrassing, just be yourself." — R, 21
"I hate when a girl purposely tries to act dumb." — A, 22
We all have pet peeves and major turn-offs when it comes to dating but the best advice I have is to stay out of your own head, keep an open mind and most importantly, be yourself.