When I started college, I never realized how fast it was really going to go by. I always compared the length to high school naturally because it was 4 years long, and it felt like high school dragged on and on.
But then when I came to college, I began to figure out how four years is actually not that long at all. As a sophomore, we all started talking about housing for junior year legit the first month of the first semester! So, then I began to think wow housing for junior year and then after that is senior year…and it's just super weird to this about.
Of course, everyone is always talking about how after you graduate high school you get thrown into the real world and you must start acting like an adult. But you really don't do anything in college either. Sure, you have some heavy papers and exams but also you are off on your own for the first time living with a bunch of your friends and doing whatever you want. How serious can college get?
But then I begin to think about life after college, now that is some serious business. You genuinely go into the real world unless you choose to go to grad school, law school, or med school. You must figure out a job, a place, to live, and just basically the rest of your life. Am I being dramatic? Yes. But does being less dramatic make it any less scary? NO.
I guess the point of all of this is under disbelief that high school felt like 500 years and college is going by in the blink of an eye. It's strange how being a sophomore in college makes me feel like I'm almost done and being a sophomore in college made it feel like it was never going to end. Some would bring up the argument that college goes by faster because we are having more fun, but I would discredit that argument because I really loved high school as well.
College coming to an end means that I am going to be thrust into the real world an expected to know what is going on, and I just don't. I also think that nobody else really knows either, so I am finding some comfort in knowing that.