Being a young adult is not easy.
22 is a much harder age than I thought it would be, and there are few things that get me through on a day to day basis, like baths, snuggles with my kitties, aaaaaaaand wine.
I mean, wine is everything good about the world put into a bottle, and it always comes in handy. Had a rough day at work or school? Come home and pour a glass of wine. Don't know what to bring to a party? Bring some wine.
The sound of the cork being pulled out of the bottle is literally just UGH. I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT. THAT IS MY RELIGION, RIGHT THERE.
So on that note, here are 13 times wine has made my life so much better.
1. Cracking open a bottle after a long day
I know that this may sound bad, but seriously, after a sh*tty day, I really, really, REALLY enjoy a glass of wine. Sitting in bed with my cats, some Netflix and some wine? Yes. It tastes good, relaxes me, and makes me feel all fuzzy inside.
2. Making family dinners *bearable*
Okay I am a huge family girl and this may sounds wrong. But I get nervous to be around family! We all have different opinions and don't even get me STARTED on when politics come up. The next best thing from running out of the house it ignoring everything and sipping some Moscato.
3. A glass of wine and a bubble bath
Throw some candles in there too.There is literally nothing more relaxing (or bougie). (judge me).
4. I mean: The Wineries in the summer
Catch ya at the wineries all summer guys, for real. Give me alllllll the wine slushies.
5. Sleepovers with the girls
Sleepovers aren't real sleepovers unless theres wine. Also, probably crying, but... yeah that's besides the point.
6. The smell that comes out of the bottle after opening it
If you don't sniff your glass while pouring your wine I may be judging you.
7. When you get to the last 1/4 of the bottle and are fEeLiNg GoOoOoD
Hate to break it to you but wine drunk is, indeed, the best drunk.
8. The wine sleeps. Ugh. Yes.
Falling asleep after drinking wine is like the most peaceful, serene sleep you could wish for. Ugh. So great.
9. There are so many choices
I don't care what color the wine is. As long as it's in my mouth, I'm a happy gal. I'll have a glass of white first, and then maybe switch it up to red. Let me taste ALL OF THEM.
10. It's suuuuuper affordable
Literally, even when I'm so broke I know I can always go get a bottle of wine. No shame in my wine game, y'all.
11. Whenever someones sipping and serving major side eye on "The Bachelor"
I mean, seriously? Should I keep going? I could do this all day! HAHAHAHA I JUST LOVE IT
12. A couple glasses if you feel sad isn't a big deal..........
........No comment.
13. Looking classy AF while drinking it
I feel like a bad-a*s classy chick when I have my wine glass in hand!!! Yes ma'am!!!
Drinking wine is always fabulous, but always make sure to drink responsibly!!! (and always drink water and take Advil before bed you're welcome!)