I think we can all admit that growing up is a wild and interesting experience. Going through phases, feeling like you are changing way faster than you can keep up with. It can be so hard to understand that every moment, every decision, and every person you come across has lead you to this place you're at now. Whether it has taken you 16, 30, or 80 years to realize it, at some point there comes a time that you want to look in the mirror and see more than just a reflection. You want to know the answer to the question that drives your feelings, thoughts, and life. "Who are you?" I don't expect to find the answer to this question at 19, but through my journey thus far I've gathered important pieces that have aided in my search. These are the things I have found to have the most significant impact on finding myself.
Keep track of what you do and do not like.
Over time, everyone has experiences that they remember as good, or maybe not the best. Remind yourself that nothing says that you have to do what you don't thoroughly enjoy. Remember that all of the things you love really can be what your life consists of. If you keep tabs on those things, you can start to piece together what a beautiful life is to you.
Spend time by yourself.
Some quiet time can be not only relaxing, but really liberating. You don't need to hangout with someone else all the time, especially when being alone gives you a chance to become acquainted with you! Indulge in some much needed me time.
Don't write things off too quickly.
Be up for an adventure even if it doesn't seem like its going to be something you usually would do. If you hate it, you know that you never have to do it again. But if you end up loving it, you just added one more hobby or important piece of you. You can't know what you don't know.
You don't have to be perfect by anyone else's standards.
Finding who you are really isn't dependent on the opinions of others. If you find that you love to wear a certain style, wear it! If you feel the best without makeup, ditch it! And if you decide that you're not you if you don't wear your hair natural, then keep it natural. You are not obligated to look, act, or feel a certain way just because someone tells you to.
Don't be afraid to be different.
We can get really caught up in conforming to the groups that we often associate with, but what your best friend's are doing doesn't have to be what you are doing. If you decide that you would be so much happier watching a movie instead of going out on a Friday night, watch your movie! You will not regret the times that you strayed away from the crowd because it will likely help you to understand yourself better.
The next time someone asks you "who are you?" remember that you are the one who gets to answer. You get to be you every single day, and that is something worth so much more than anything that can be seen on the outside. If you want to find yourself, you don't have to look very far.