Just when you think things may calm down a little but, you have two midterms and a paper due next week. You keep "pushing off" self care. Here are a few simple habits that have helped me even when it feels like self care is the last thing I have time for!
1. Nourish your body.
I have never been one to follow a super strict diet of no sugar, or only eating fruits and vegetables, but I do always notice a difference in how I feel when I'm eating healthy. Eating nutritious food that fuels you instead of sugary or salty foods that fatigue you can help your immune system stay stronger and be ready to take on whatever your day has in store. Even if you're having snacks and sweets here and there, try to have 3 balanced meals to incorporate healthy foods included in your diet every day. There are so many great ideas on Pinterest for snacks & meals on the go - check out the post linked in the picture above!
2. Focus on the good.
One of my favorite ways to start the day is reading a devotional that gets me thinking about the day in a positive way. I try to read my devotional at the start of my day and then at the end of the day, look back on it and write three things I'm thankful for that day or things that made me happy. It's my own version of a gratitude journal and there are a million different ways you can do this. Even on harder days, I still always find three things to write down. It makes you appreciate the little moments in life a little bit more and go to bed feeling ready to take on the next day. Check out the gratitude journal linked above!
3. Move your body.
Exercise! I say exercise and not "workout" because I strongly believe in moving in ways that make YOUR body feel good! Not your best friend, or the girl you sit next to in psychology class, but YOU. For me, I have always loved the energy of group fitness classes and try to go about five times a week, and then get outside or move in a different way on the days I don't have time to for a workout class. Every person and our needs are different, so find a form of exercise that makes you feel the best.
4. Podcasts.
It can be really easy to just move mindlessly through our days and listen to music while we walk to class. Listening to podcasts is one of my favorite ways to keep my mind fresh and stay in tune with the world, because let's be honest, it's pretty easy to get sucked into our little college bubbles and not know what's happening around us. I love podcasts about daily news, entrepreneurship, and my favorite is Jordan Lee Dooley's She Podcast. check it out! She always leaves me feeling inspired to take the next step in any journey and chase after my dreams.
5. Hydrate.
This may seem like an obvious one, but it can be so easy to go through a busy day and not even realize you haven't had any water. No matter where I'm going, I try to always bring my reusable water bottle with me throughout the day to first, save the earth and not buy on the go - but second, always be drinking water throughout the day. I have a 32 oz Hydroflask and I try to fill it up 2-3 times a day to stay hydrated on the go
6. Skin care = self care.
In the same way it matters what you put in your body (eat your greens, girl!) it matters what you put ON your body. I notice such a difference in how I feel about myself when my skin is glowing, so I really try to stick to my skin care routine to be the best version of myself. I wrote an entire blog post about my favorite skin care routine with simple products I use every day! Check it out in the link above!
I hope at least one of these daily habits makes self care feel more attainable to you even in the craziness of college life. Drink some water, eat your greens, and wash your face, girl! Your body will thank you later.