Dear girl crying in the stairwell,
I see you. I see you trying to hide your face as I walk down the stairs, ashamed of your tears as you talk on the phone. But I want you to know there is nothing to be ashamed of. You are brave for wearing your heart on your sleeve. And although I walk by and may not stop and give you the hug I want to, I desperately want you to know that I see you and I see your pain.
I feel you. I myself have cried when I thought nobody was around to see, and sometimes I've cried not caring who does see. There is sadness in this world, and my heart breaks for those that feel lonely and sad and are in a dark place. College is hard. Suddenly we are in this new world with so many new emotions and without the support systems that we grew up with. Depression and anxiety can sometimes be our new roommates, and sometimes it's so hard to keep everything together. But I want you to know you're not alone — I feel you.
I'm praying for you. I know you might not recognize me if you saw me again and I might not recognize you, but know that I think about you. I pray for you and hope that whatever was making you cry is not something you're daily afraid of, but something you carry with you as a reminder of how strong you are. If it was a test you failed, hopefully now you know that failing is not the end of the world and you can continue to live even after that letdown. Maybe it's the fact that you miss your mom so much it hurts. I pray that daily you feel grateful that you love someone so much to miss them, or maybe it's something worse that you're dealing with that only you know about. I pray that you find a shoulder to lean on, and know that your scars are not ugly things to hide but beautiful journeys to be proud of and show your growth as a human.
You are strong. People might think crying is a weakness, but it truly is an example of the strong warrior inside that can handle their sadness effectively and emotionally regulate themselves. Do not be ashamed to cry or be ashamed of the emotions you feel. Tears are beautiful and renewing.
You are loved. I do not know where you came from or your story, but already you have a place in my heart. I know that people out there care about you and I want you to know you matter. And even if you feel like nobody on this earth loves you or does anything to show they care, remember that already someone has died for you just for the opportunity to spend a lifetime with you. When everything on earth fails us, which inevitably it will, remember you have a God that loves you and desires an intimate relationship with you. And He is a God who will dry your tears and comfort your broken spirit.
Girl on the stairs, I've been you and I just want you to know you are stronger than you think. And even in your brokenness, there is something even more beautiful growing from those tears. You are loved, you are strong, I'm praying for you, I feel you, and I see you.