Friends, they come and they go and sometimes the ones you like the most stick around, or maybe the ones that put up with your crap are the ones who really stick around. But hey, that's a true friend for you. They say that the friends you make in college are the friends you make for a lifetime. What is it about college that makes them "lifelong" friends? Personally, I think it all has to do with age.
When you get older, you grow. You grow out of clothes, shoes, routines and even friends. Growing up is a part of life, a quote told by many parents. Yet in reality, this is 100% true. Growing up IS a part of life and sometimes you have to let go of people along the way. When you mature, people change. In middle school and high school, people are just beginning to find themselves and find a crowd they might want to fit into, or maybe just stay to themselves. In college, you find that one person or even a few people, that you just gravitate to and they end up being someone who is like a long lost cousin. College friendships are ones that are the freshest, and maybe the most "real". Nothing is taboo anymore in 2016, and everyone is mature enough to talk about whatever is going on. While in middle school and high school everyone is simply a child and will snicker at any little word brought up. College friendships are the most important and yet the most effective, because the people you meet may be someone who you can add as a reference for a job, internship or even to adopt a dog. This person is your best friend in the professional world and in the carefree world. Everyone needs to have someone to talk to here and there, someone who isn't a parent. Friends are here for a reason, and college is the best place to make them. You're going through the same struggles, challenges and you get to know a person more after living with them; usually, for resident students, you live with your best friend. This will really test the love you have for your pal in college, and if things still work out, you most likely have yourself a keeper!