College is a time to make new friends (and keep the old. One is silver and the other’s gold... just kidding, they're all gold). It’s hard to find good friends quickly. You didn’t realize how hard it was until college hit because you’ve been building the friendships you have now for 12 years. But now you’re in a new place without a solid support system. It’s hard not to think the only friendship goals are pretty friends who will take cute pictures to show off on Instagram and find you some cute boy friends. But those may not always be the ones who stick around.
Get you a friend who:
1. Laughs with (or at) you
Because a sense of humor is important. Who wants to go through college without laughing?
2. Can be silent with you
Living with a roommate and 40 other girls on your floor proves to be a little challenging. Sometimes you need alone time... but you don't actually want to be alone. So find someone who can make you feel alone without actually being alone.
3. Always picks up the phone
There are times when stories are urgent or your stomach is growling and you need food urgently -- you need a friend who picks up your phone calls even when she's on the toilet.
4. Explores with you
No one wants to be trapped inside the campus bubble. A friend who's willing to explore is a necessity.
5. Will travel with you
What better way to learn about the world and each other than to take a road trip?
6. Sings in the car
Driving home from school in a silent car is no fun. The only way to survive a 3-hour drive through the corn fields is to blast music and sing at the top of your lungs.
7. Won't judge your mistakes
College is a time to explore who you are and what you believe in; you're bound to make the wrong choice once or twice. When that happens, you're gonna need a friend who stays by your side even through the bad choices.
8. Will workout with you
A real friend wants you to be the best you can be. They'll work out with you when you feel the need.. even if they already hit the gym in addition to a practice.
9. Eats with you... even if you have not stopped eating all day
Eating meals alone is not ideal. Neither is binge eating ice cream and potato chips after a rough day.
10. (But most importantly..) Supports you in all that you do
Cheers to the new friends, the old friends, and the friends I've yet to meet.