When students come to college as new freshmen, they're pretty much lost and alone. They're in a new place with no friends, no family, and no idea what they're doing with their lives. A couple weeks into the semester, students eventually get accustomed to their new surroundings and make a few friends. The lucky students will find their best friend, at that friendship will be one that is very unique and valuable. There's something special about your college best friend; this person will go through everything with you, good and bad.
In college, you'll experience failure, success, love, and heartbreak. You'll have your ups and downs, and you'll do a lot of the things you told yourself you'd never do. You'll go through so many things in such a short time, and those things will help you realize who you are as a person and who you want to become. If you're lucky enough, you'll find the person who will go through all of these things with you, and give you encouragement and love every step of the way.
My college best friend is someone who will be there for me not only throughout our college years, but far beyond that. I can't imagine how different my college experience would've been without her, but I'm glad that's something I will never have to experience. Here are 26 thank you's to my college friend who became a lifelong best friend.
1. Thank you for making me laugh.
What kind of friendship would we have if we didn't laugh with (or at) each other every time we're together? You never fail to make me laugh, whether it's at the stupid things we say or on the rare occasion one of us makes a good joke.
2. Thank you for letting me vent to you.
I know that I can complain to you about anything, and I usually do. I get stressed easily, and without someone to vent to, I would probably explode. Thank you for always being there to listen to my problems and give me advice.
3. Thank you for filling me in on the latest gossip.
My class schedule and workload doesn't always allow me to spend time with all of our other friends, so thank you for catching me up when I miss something interesting.
4. Thank you for reassuring me about school.
If I freak out to you the day before a test saying that I'm going to fail, you always bring me back to reality and reassure me that I'll do just fine. Your good-luck texts before exams are much appreciated.
5. Thank you for reassuring me about my appearance.
If I'm not sure of a new outfit, you're there to tell me that it looks great. If I feel fat, you're there to tell me that I'm perfect the way I am.
6. Thank you for standing up for me.
I'm not a very confrontational person, and I don't like to cause problems with other people. If you know that someone's treating me in a way that is less than what I deserve, you'll confront them about it in the sassiest way possible. You're not afraid to tell people all the things I want to say, but won't actually say.
7. Thank you for encouraging me to be bold and put myself out there.
You always encourage me to take risks and be confident. I've become a much more bold, outgoing person since becoming friends with you, and that new mentality that I've developed because of you has helped me in many ways.
8. Thank you for giving me relationship advice.
You've been in a serious relationship for several years, so you know the ropes when it comes to relationships. If I have any questions or need relationship advice, you're the best person to go to.
9. Thank you for teaching me to be affectionate.
You know how much I hate emotions and all that crap, but you make me snuggle with you and talk about my feelings. Even though I kind of still hate it, you've taught me that it's not so bad.
10. Thank you for believing in me.
Sometimes I think you have more confidence in me than I have in myself, but the fact that you always believe in me helps me believe in myself too.
11. Thank you for putting up with my crap.
I can be a pain in the a** sometimes, and you know that firsthand and love me anyway.
12. Thank you for getting me a job.
If it weren't for you putting in a good word for me, I wouldn't have gotten that tutoring job. It was nice to get paid to sit at a table and do my homework for a few hours a week, and my bank account thanks you.
13. Thank you for dragging me to things I say I don't want to go to.
Even if I'm being lazy and don't want to go somewhere at first, I almost always end up having a good time once I'm there.
14. Thank you for FaceTiming me during our shows when we're on break.
With your home being two hours away from mine, we don't get to hang out when we're on breaks. That doesn't mean that we can't still watch "The Bachelor" and "Pretty Little Liars" together -- we'll always make time to watch our shows, wherever we are.
15. Thank you for going on frequent fro-yo dates with me.
When life gets hard, you just need a sugar rush. You understand that, which is why our weekly Lemonberry dates are a therapeutic necessity.
16. Thank you for always liking my Instagram pictures.
You're the one person that I can always count on to give me an extra like, and if you don't like it, I don't feel bad asking you to.
17. Thank you for crafting things for me.
I'm probably the least artistic person in the world, and I can't craft to save my life. Because of that, my room was pretty plain before I met you. I'm lucky to have you to give my room some style.
18. Thank you for allowing me to make a few bad decisions (without letting me screw up my life).
You understand that I need to do stupid things sometimes; we're in college, and if there's a designated time to make bad decisions, it's now. However, if I were to make more bad decisions than I should, you would stop me before letting me fall off the deep end.
19. Thank you for making cute Halloween costumes with me.
I never used to make my own Halloween costumes, but now I can't imagine a Halloween where we don't coordinate our costumes and make tutus together.
20. Thank you for pigging out on junk food with me every once in a while.
I couldn't be friends with anyone who didn't love food as much as I do, and I'm glad that we can have days where we celebrate our love for unhealthy, delicious food.
21. Thank you for teaching me how to be sassy.
I've become so much sassier since meeting you, and I'm very happy with that. You've rubbed off on me, and maybe one day I'll be as sassy as you.
22. Thank you for being honest with me.
You don't sugarcoat things, and that's one of the things I love about you. You always tell me the truth, and that's something that's hard to find these days.
23. Thank you for accepting the fact that we're both too busy to hang out sometimes.
I wish that we had more free time to spend with each other, because some days I just really miss my best friend. Our hectic schedules don't always allow for much time to hang out, but when we do find the time to spend with each other, nothing changes between us. Besides, even if we go a couple days without seeing each other, that doesn't mean we aren't texting or Snapchatting constantly.
24. Thank you for the ugly Snapchats.
My camera roll is filled with terrible screenshots of you, and I know yours is filled with much worse pictures of me. They're always good for a laugh or for blackmail.
25. Thank you for bringing me doughnuts on my birthday, hours before the crack of dawn.
You're the only person who's ever woken up at 5:30 in the morning to surprise me with my favorite food before leaving for clinicals, and that made having to be awake that early on my birthday much more bearable.
26. Thank you for helping me make my college experience the best four years of my life.
You help me make the most out of my time in college and help me to become the person I want to be. You're my right hand (wo)man, and I couldn't take on these four years without you by my side. College wouldn't be the same without you, and I wouldn't be the same without you.