Dear Incoming Freshman,
Welcome to the new chapter of your life. The next four years are in your hands. Have you heard that statement a lot? Well, I did too and what is funny is that it really is in your hands. But this letter is not meant to be another high school teacher's speech about why college is important. This letter is meant to be a welcome to college letter. It is meant to do the least and guide your experience.
The first thing I want to say is. Take a deep breath. RELAX. Don't stress yourself out. The biggest mistake you can do is stress everything. When you're in constant stress about classes and about doing well, it will only hurt you. Learn ways to de-stress and always give yourself a break. A break is needed not only for your mind but also for your well-being.
Always use Rate My Professors. Going into my fall semester of freshman year, I didn't even know about Rate My Professors. However before registering for classes, always look the teacher up! By doing this not only will you save your grade, but you also have the chance of meeting one of the best teachers you can take.
Always, always, always have fun. The last thing you want to happen is to be in your senior year of college and be that person who only cared about the grades. Don't get me wrong, grades are important, but the college experience is that much important. The experience you gain in college, the people you meet, and the relationships you develop are all important.
Don't always strive for perfection. Not every teacher you have will make perfection a priority. Sometimes it's just about Turing in the raw material that could make a huge difference. Always push yourself outside of your comfort zone. If your the type of person to close up, or prefer not to take risks, then you're missing out.
Always, always, take opportunities to meet people. While in college networking is huge. However, networking shouldn't be the only reason you have interactions with people. When given any chance to meet people, whether it be orientation, a game, or just an event, take the opportunity. Nothing is worse than being that loner struggling with issues and having no one to talk to, or no one who understands.
This experience is "YOUR" experience so make it count. The four years that you are in college are going to fly by. So make the most of each moment. Make the most of your experience. Maybe that starts is the journey to find your self or maybe it's just having fun.
Having a mentor is something to consider. If you have a mentor in college, consider yourself lucky. Mentors are your biggest supporters, know how to handle things, will be there no matter what, and are your advocates. So always find a mentor within the university or seek one.
If you need therapy get it. There's no shame in helping yourself and there's no shame in talking to a therapist. College is not always an easy road. If you feel to overwhelmed or start to notice changes, always reach out. Also, establish a support system. Know who you really can count on and who will be there through the thick and thin.
You got this! Take it easy! Always make sure that you're doing okay and that you are ready for the best experience. Remember this is your life and you're in control. Make these four years count and make the most of each moment. Always have fun. and never stress yourself to the point that you feel like quitting. You will be successful!