6. I have a lot of tattoos. | The Odyssey Online
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7 College Freshman Year Lessons, From Me To You

Things that I learned that might help you, too.

7 College Freshman Year Lessons, From Me To You
Nayeli Guzman

These are my seven personal lessons life taught me after I graduated high school. I can truly say that life goes on, what can I do?

1. You will lose friends, but make new ones.

Everyone takes their own path after high school. Everyone has their own dreams to accomplish. I never had a big group of friends in high school, I can truly say I'm only close to my best friend who has been my best friend since the sixth grade of elementary school. The ones that didn't go to college go on with their lives without you. You will meet new people your freshman year of college especially if you get to live on campus.

Although it's hard to make acquaintances in such big classes, believe it or not, these people are going through the same thing as you. Even at college parties, people will always want to add you on social media and you guys will start a friendship from there. I met my group of best friends in my dorm; my roommate, my suitemates, and one of our dorm neighbors. We're all from different backgrounds and different cities and it has been a wonderful experience meeting them.

2. If you are a first generation student, be ready to conquer the challenge. 

The fact that I am the first one from home to attend college has been quite difficult since the college decision. The whole FAFSA process, college applications, the big decisions to move out have been a challenge. I have felt very lonely, although my parents have supported all my friend I have felt very lonely because there's no one back home that can relate to what I'm going through. It will all be worth it, I promise. You're going to look back one day and tell yourself "You did this by yourself" and be super proud.


I got hired at Tmobile the summer before my freshman year and everything was okay until classes began. It was a very high demanding company, and I missed out on the college experience for a whole semester. My coworkers could not relate to my college struggles, and it wasn't a flexible company at all. I kept choosing a job over school and friends. I got way in over my head, sometimes wondering why I even chose college instead of working a fulltime job. I came to my senses halfway through the fall semester. It is not a good option to try to balance a fulltime job and your freshman year of college.

4. I don't miss my ex, or any high school drama. 

I spent the whole summer healing from a toxic relationship and toxic drama I was involved in during my senior year of high school. Time does heal, and life does go on. I decided to stay single my freshman year of college and really focus on the goals I had planned since the seventh grade, the college experience. I do not miss one single moment from high school at all friends, and it doesn't keep me up at night anymore. I can honestly say I have healed and my past has made me into the person I am today. I'm currently working on the person I still want to become, so I advise that if you are currently at a toxic situation in your life give time the time it needs and I promise that there is a rainbow after the storm waiting for you.

5. I have to value and love my parents even more.

Being the youngest child in my family has been quite a challenge as well. My parents have been really overprotective with all friend and I never understood why. Being away from home, not seeing them every day has made me think about them a lot. I've always loved my parents even when I feel like they don't understand me at time but I feel like this whole year made me love them and appreciate them more. By being away and seeing them get older as you are getting older to transitioning into the woman you are becoming makes me quite emotional at times. There have been times that I cry myself to sleep with "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift in a melancholic way. I really look forward to the semester to finally come to an end and spend as much time with them as possible so I can be ready to come back into my now new life.

6. I have a lot of tattoos.

Since being 18, I feel like I have gone through so much in just a year. I dreamt of getting a tattoo my whole life and I can proudly say I now have more than six in total. Your freshman year of college is about creating yourself, the person you have always dreamt of becoming and I am a fan of body art.

"They decorate your body, but also enhance your soul" — Michelle Delio.

All of my tattoos have a meaning behind them, some not a super long story but just symbols representing who I am and what I like.

7. My whole wardrobe screams college spirit.

Although college is expensive and makes me cry at times, look on the bright side there will be a lot of free s***. Free t-shirts, free water bottles, free towels, free food at times, free condoms, etc. I look forward to all of that free stuff every day, Now my wardrobe screams college spirit and I find myself representing in my ASU letters every day.

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