So you've picked out your bedding, planned out all of your decorations, and coordinated with your roommates who's in charge of the futon, the fridge, and things of that nature. But, have you really thought about how your freshman year of college is going to shape you for your college career and the rest of your life? If I could go back and do it again, these are some tidbits of advice that I would have wanted to know.
1. Call Your Mom Everyday
If you were anything like me, I was the first child to fly the nest and head off to college, and this was a big change for my family, mostly my mom. It's hard for moms to watch their babies leave and be on their own for the first time, and taking even five minutes out of your day to talk to your mom will mean the world to her. Make the time to do that, she'll love it.
2. GO. TO. THE. GYM.
I cannot stress this enough. Not from the stance that you may achieve that "dream bod" but because going to the gym makes you feel so much better. It's been proven that physical activity makes you happier and more successful, so take time out of your week to exercise in some way, shape or form; it will make you happier, I promise.
3. Don't Be Afraid to Reinvent Yourself
If you were anything like me, my identity was decided for me in high school because of what I was involved in and I stuck pretty close to that. But, college is full of new opportunities and new ways to expand yourself. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and join a club or befriend new people, you might even enjoy it!
4. Classes Are Hard, But It Will Be Worth It
It's no secret that classes will be hard and will stress you out more than you ever imagined possible. There will be nights where you're up until 2 a.m. studying Psychology while your friends get to go out and have fun. The time you put in now for your classes will benefit you in the long run when you have a rockin' job and are doing what you love.
5. ...That Being Said, Taking Mental Health Days Are OK
Some days, the biggest accomplishment of your day can be pulling yourself out of bed and getting yourself to class. But, some days, the pressure of school is overwhelming and can start to affect your mental health. Taking a day for yourself (every once in a while) to sleep and stay in sweats is essential and will help you focus in the long run, just don't take these everyday!
6. These Truly Are The Best Days of Your Life
...SO MAKE THE MOST OF THEM! College is so short and you're only this age once, so take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Say hi to someone you want to talk to, join clubs, play intramural sports, because one day you're going to look back on all of these memories and smile because of how they shaped you as a person.