College is an intellectual, free-minded bowl of millennial attitude. No one judges you for what you wear to class or how much money you have or don't have. Everyone is there for a common purpose: to get a degree in order to have a shot at a career some day. Despite all of the free love floating around, there are their full share of double standards rolling off the tongues of students and professors alike. Here are just a few of the more irritating ones.
1. Generalizing Major and Gender
I can't count how many times I have heard a professor assume the major of an individual not by their past words, interests or passions, but by asking something to the effect of "...Oh, you're a nursing major right?" or "You look like you're into computers. Are you a computer science major?" First of all, how do you determine what major someone is by how they look? I have been asked several times if I'm nursing major. I wasn't asked because I had a nursing shirt on, or was in a nursing class, I was asked because I was a girl and there's no way I could be pursuing a degree in a male-dominated field. The same is true for some males in the nursing program. They are shunned or judged for their choice of major every day and it's ridiculous.
2. Double Standards In College Sex Lives
Everyone knows the commonly exposed double standard when it comes to the sex practices of men and women. I can not express how exacerbated this is in college life. Women are judged constantly by what they are wearing out, who they are with and who they leave with. Some men specifically go to college parties to hook up with women but when women go to the same parties with the same intention they are shamed. That's insane logic (or lack thereof).
3. Bashing Women
I can not believe the number of men that judge and bash other women in petty, childish ways. These same women become enraged when a man judges the same woman! You can't call a girl a slut for wearing certain clothing and then complain on Facebook about the right of women to wear what they want. You are setting the example for the very behavior you loathe. Think about what you say.