So I just finished my first week of college. It was weird sometimes, I also got lost once or twice. Through this past week I’ve been jotting down little notes to myself on how the days went. Now I want to share with all of you how to navigate college during the first week!
1. Know Your Meal Plan
Its simple figure out how many meals you have per week or per semester. From there you can keep track of how many you have left. Also ask if meals roll over week to week or from semester to the next. This way you wont be going through your meals too fast!
2. Know Where Your Classes Are
BEFORE the start of your classes know where the hell your going. Campus’ can be laid out strangely so know what buildings your classes are in and where they are in-correlation with your dorm.
3. Time How Long It Takes
After mapping out your classes, walk the path you will be taking and time it. Timing how long it takes to get from point A to point B is so important. You do not want to be known as the kid whose always late. Also allot yourself a few minutes extra to get places, for example if it takes you five minutes add a minute or two. Its better to be early then to be late.
4. Talk To Your Roommate
If you know who you are rooming with then talk to them. Yes, it can feel really awkward at first but you'll be living with this person for the next year so make an effort. Plan out who is bringing what, and set some ground rules.
5. Do You Need A Textbook, What About Supplies?
Your Professors may not give you the syllabus or supplies list before you get there. Try to E-mail or call your Professors at school to get a rough idea of what you'll need. But if you don't know on the first day of class, don't freak. Your professors will go over the ever so exciting syllabus and let you know what you'll be needing.
6. Be Friendly
Everyone is in the same situation: a new place, and a lot of new faces. Its normal to be shy and a little scared but start a conversation with someone who sits next to you. If your at orientation, ask people about themselves. Icebreaker seem stupid sometimes but its a way to well break the ice, you just might find new friends!
7. Allow Yourself Time To Adjust
College is a great big adventure. It can also be pretty scary, change is difficult. Give yourself a break and relax. Adjusting to living and learning at a new place will take time and thats okay!
8. Act Like A Grown Up
You are an adult, and living without your parents watching you like a hawk is great. Still you are responsible now, college is a new experience so take care of yourself.