Dear Eager Student,
The idea of college is presented as partying, getting wasted and living life to the fullest. What is the real reason for going to college? I am sure it is to get a degree. Sure, you may have fun and enjoy being in college but do not forget the main purpose of being there. Teachers in high school do their best to prepare you for the road that lies ahead. Some teachers do a fantastic job about preparing students, whether this is getting them out of their comfort zone by challenging them to think more critically or by encouraging them to take college level courses. For many of us it was our teachers and parents that normally push and motivate us and tell us to get our assignments done. However, in college all the responsibility is now placed on us, we have to ensure that we wake up on time for classes (which is sometimes the most dreadful task), we have ensure that we are fully prepared for these classes and ensure that assignments are completed and submitted before the due date. Personally, I know that if an emergency comes up the professors will give a grace period if they were informed of this.
You will find that the teaching styles of your professors will differ, they may use a different textbook from another professor who may be teaching the same course but what is important to note is how your professor teaches and what is expected. In my first semester, I was able to distinguish between my professors; I know that for my Psychology teacher, she will find different games for us to do so we understand the concept while my Education teacher will find different videos to show, so different teachers will use different styles so that the students may understand the material.
I think it is crucial to note that if you feel like you are not being challenged in a class, talk to the professor and see what can be done. Typically the first semester is designed as a transition from high school to college so the courses may not be as challenging. Words from the wise, take advantage of that while you are able to gradually ease classes in that are designed just for your major because those classes are more difficult.
Learn to take initiative. If a professor does not show up for class, what do you do? Panic and run wild, or follow the syllabus so you see what should have been done in class. If a professor is not in class then ensure that you review the syllabus to see what the lesson should be on. Then the necessary reading that so that you are caught up for the next class period because there are professors who will not go back in the syllabus even if they are the one that missed the day. Also, if you are absent from a class, the appropriate thing to do is send the teacher an email stating the reason without going in-depth. When you follow the syllabus you will always be on track or one step ahead which is beneficial for you.
While you dive into your college courses I hope you will have a smooth transition.
The wise one