College Feat. Drag Queens | The Odyssey Online
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College Feat. Drag Queens

Here is a look into college as told by the Queens of "RuPaul's Drag Race".

College Feat. Drag Queens

College is a stressful and interesting time for certain. What better way is there to describe how you feel about college life than with some amazingly talented, and super dramatic, Queens? For those of you who don't know what "RuPaul's Drag Race" is, RuPaul (the host of the show) is looking for "America's Next Drag Superstar". Drag Queens have killer makeup skills and can totally slay a lip sync like no one else (usually, anyway).

First I am going to head on over to my main Queen, Bianca Del Rio on this one. Bianca's famous phrase truly describes how we feel when professors jump straight from the syllabus to the first lecture. Like, whoa, Professor...chill.

We can also conclude that there are many times that we look at our less than stellar groupmates on a project and realize that they have it way too easy. They got put in an awesome group, with the exception of themselves of course, and now they can just slack off the whole semester. Stupid is a bit of an over-exaggeration, but you get the point.

Then that group evaluation rolls around like...

Also, remember that now is a great time in life to make new friends and meet new people in general. Just remember to be a genuine person. No one wants a shady person around, okay? This is more of an advice bit, but it is still super relevant to college.

When you get sick early in the semester and have to miss class but also try to explain to your professor that you aren't just skipping class because you can. Like I am sorry, but I can't help being sick, and now you think I'm the worst.

Then you really do pride yourself on the days where you actually feel like getting dressed and throwing yourself together. It is like BAM a whole different you, am I right? You don't just get fixed up, you go all out.

You are always super down for food. No matter what kind of school craziness goes down, food is always going to be around. Snack away, girl. Who cares if you bring a sandwich to class or a bowl of soup or something? Literally no one. Live your life. Snack until your little heart is content.

On that note, if your friend has snacks, she better know you are going to ask her to share.

Despite all of the college struggles, you know that it is what is best for you. You are going to do great things one day. You can even do great things today. Don't let anyone tell you any different. You all are extremely talented, fantastic human beings, and I know you all will change the world someday. Slay, Queens!

Oh yeah...and once finals are finished...

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