As a college freshman there are several things you hear on a daily around campus. Several times a day. Literally every day! And I've compiled them into a list. I call them FAQ's of college!
What year are you?
I'm absolutely positive this is the most asked question. I'm a dear freshman! This is my first year here. If me asking for directions hasn't made it quite obvious. At least it isn't like high school were I'm called freshie and laughed at for being born three years after the seniors, something I shockingly had no control over (high school seniors are odd).
Where are you from?
I get that this is typically a conversation starter but I would feel better if I had a cooler answer like Turks and Caicos rather than little old Columbia, South Carolina. Which usually prompts a series of questions like: Where in Columbia? Where did you go to high school? Do you know my friend's cousin who went to a high school in a completely other district in Columbia?
Where do you live?
We were all warned about stranger danger as children but for some reason everyone is so comfortable asking and answering which residence hall we live in. Granted it's not that easy for anyone to just walk in but the fact that I tell a stranger exactly what floor I live on when they ask is so weird. This question is usually followed by some horror story roommate experience that they've gone through in my current residence hall. Which leaves me either horrified or disgusted. Super fun!
What is your name again?
I would have to say I'm personally guilty of this one! We've been sitting beside each other in class for a solid week now. As a result we've been cracking jokes about how tired we are and discussing our weekend plans. But I do not remember your name. I'm sure everyone feels like a dud when they have to ask. It's usually prompted with a smile and a slight giggle, "Wait what's your name again?". And then you make yourself laugh harder so that person doesn't get offended and hopefully joins in with your laughter. I've been there a few times. Sorry Shanya!
What's your major?
Everyone asks this question but I'm sure no one remembers the persons answer. I'm an elementary education major. My answer is usually responded with a: "You wanna teach kids!?" Or a: "It takes a special kind of person to work with kids because if I was a teacher I would (insert extremely terrible crime that would be considered attempted murder)if they didn't listen to me." And usually everyone is shocked for some reason because I don't "look" like a teacher, whatever that means. Or you get the person who doesn't really care but thought they should ask. Who replies with a simple head nod and a "Oh okay. Cool."
Everyone has been asked these questions over their college experience. If you've managed to avoid any of them, you're definitely a loner who has no friends (that's okay girl, you're the lucky one!) So next time you began a conversation, before they even have a chance to ask say "Hey, I'm Alissa! I'm a freshman education major from Columbia, South Carolina. What about you!?".