Dear friends (family),
I like to believe that we became friends because no parents would ever be able to handle us as sisters. You have done a lot for me in the past 5 months and you have no idea how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. You have accepted me as I am and I just want to take a moment to say a few things to the three of you, things that haven't been said in the past. You three are the best things that have ever happened to me in my entire life. I don't deserve friends as great as you. You never put me down for my opinions and beliefs. You all know how to put a smile on my face when I'm down and missing home.
You put up with my problems and the drama also known as my life and I will forever be grateful for it. You three have given me a reason to stay here because I know at times I don't fit in, but I fit in with you guys and I'm so glad I've been given the opportunity to be your friend. I love you guys to the moon and back and that will never change. I would take a bullet for you guys any day of the week. Finally, thank you. Thank you for putting up with all of my boy drama because I can't handle those types of things on my own. I need you guys so I have someone to tell all of the details to. Thank you for putting up with my attitude when it's around because sometimes it's just too hard to control it. Thank you for sharing your secrets with me that I will keep to myself for a lifetime.
Thank you for going on random Library trips with me and for the constant jokes about getting a children's book. Thank you for going to the vending machine downstairs with me for multiple mountain dew runs. Thank you for "causing trouble" with me in the halls at night. Thank you for the random Cat's Claw and Sunny Bucks trips even though you want to confiscate my swipe because I spend my money way too quickly. It's not my fault their smoothies and milkshakes are that good. Thank you for the many trips to Walmart to see the cute cashier, whether it's in your car or on the shuttle even if sometimes we don't get back on the shuttle. Thank you for never judging me like other friends I had in the past. Thank you for being so accepting when it comes to me. I know I'm not the greatest, but I can promise you that I do try my best.
Thank you for taking pictures with me even if you say you look bad because, in all honesty, you will always look better than me. Thank you for letting me take random snapchat videos of you because I always want to capture the moments that make us laugh so hard we can't breathe. Thank you for giving me the reassurance that I can talk to you guys about whatever I am going through while I'm wide awake late hours of the night even if you guys are trying to sleep because you care. Thank you for always caring when others don't. Thank you for being my shoulders to cry on and my own personal diary with three sections, one for each of you. Thank you for the laughs, the memories, and the time we've spent together. Thank you for being my squad. Thank you for being my college family, my family away from home.
1/4 of our squad