College. It's a roller coaster of emotion. Do you ever feel like you can't exactly explain what you're feeling? Well, it's your lucky day. Here are some GIFs of Trump you can use to explain the many emotions of college.
1. When you take a class for an easy A and you get a C.
2. When your professor tells you you should start an assignment well in advance.
3. When you hate your professor but you need an A.
4. When your friend starts telling you how busy they are.
5. When you're forced to take art class.
6. When your classmate thinks he or she knows more than the professor.
7. When the annoying person sits next to you in class.
8. When you ace a test you were supposed to fail.
9. When you are too lazy to do the extra credit.
10. When somebody says they don't take naps in college.
11. When you print single-sided so your paper looks longer.
12. When the fake kid finally shows his true colors.
13. When the professor says you don't need to write this down.
Well, there you go. Now go to work and stop wasting time on the internet.