As you graduate high school, the talk of starting college is something that becomes prominent in your daily conversations. Whether it is talking to family members or your older peers, there is one statement that people always seem to say when describing the college experience: "Get ready for the best four years of your life." People use this phrase as if it describes everyone's college experience. In the beginning, it may or may not feel that way. Let's just say the college experience is a process, and if it doesn't feel amazing at first, that's okay. I am here to tell you that everything does work out in the end.
Not knowing what your future will look like is okay
As a college student, there seems to be a lot of pressure, and uncertainty, when it comes to choosing your major. This is not the case for everyone; however, if you're anything like me, you might know the feeling of not knowing what you want to do for the rest of your life. It can get frustrating at times but I can assure you that everything ends up working out. As long as you follow one important rule: do not listen to others. The only opinion that matters is your own, and if you're passionate about something you should pursue it. For example, during my freshman year, I changed my major not once, not twice, but 5 times. As ridiculous as it sounds, it was a reality for me and it was only because I was easily influenced by other's opinions.
Reaching out for help
It is a fact that almost every institution has resources that students can utilize at any time. If you ever find yourself feeling lost or stressed out, take a trip down to your university's counseling center. I mean you are paying a lot of money for these resources so you might as well take advantage of them. I wouldn't be the person I am today if I didn't reach out for help when I needed it most. Your mental health is so important. Don't let a situation go from bad to worse.
Everything gets better with time
Let's just say things start a bit rocky and you're in that stage where everything sucks. Your school sucks, the food at your school sucks, your roommate sucks, your "friends" suck, etc. You look around and you feel like you're the only person who feels this way. I am here to tell you that everyone experiences a slump like this at different times, for different reasons; however, nothing will feel right until time has passed and you are acclimated with your new environment. It takes a while to find that group of lifelong friends, and it takes even longer to figure out what the heck you want to do with your life. Once that time has passed and you realize that you're stronger than you initially thought, you will feel so proud that you stuck it out and conquered the "everything sucks" phase. It is so liberating once you feel comfortable in a new setting with people you can trust. It doesn't happen overnight and I know your parents say that constantly, but I am not your parents. I am a student with first-hand experience dealing with the same hardships and obstacles. If you stop worrying about who and what you're going to be, start believing in yourself, and reach out for help when you need it, things will start to go your way.