Now, before you consider me entitled or ungrateful, hear me out.
I still adore college. It really has been some of the best times of my life (and I'm not even halfway done) but it isn't as exciting as it used to be. That's not a bad thing, I just take it more seriously.
As I've gotten older and the semesters have rolled on, I've learned it's not all about staying up until 4 a.m. on a Tuesday eating cookie dough just because we can, it's about prioritizing your studies and being grateful to see your friends when you get the chance. It's not about cramming on Sunday nights because procrastinating is cool, it's about actually studying the way you're supposed to because this test grade does matter.
Believe me, I'm completely aware that not everyone is given the same opportunities as me and I am extremely blessed. Everyone will experience college in a different way and take different chances, but for now, I'm content with focusing on myself and my schoolwork. That's what I'm here for, right?
I don't know exactly when the glamor of college wore off, and maybe it was a process, but I became much more homesick this semester than I had before. I remember moving in after Orientation and getting for the first semester away from home and thinking, "Finally. I'm out of the house and I can be my own person." Well, little did I know that that wouldn't last very long.
As finals are quickly approaching, I've been counting down the days until I can be home for longer than a day and a half. I miss the home-cooked meals, adequately-running washing machine, and never wondering if I'll have to wait 20 minutes for hot water in my shower or not.
You begin to appreciate the little things and the lazy days. The thing that used to annoy you now brings a smile to your face because you know you'll miss it the minute you go without them.
College is something I looked forward to for a long time. I knew from the time I was in middle school that I wanted to go to college and I knew I would have a blast while doing it. But, I will admit that the feeling of needing to lean on mom and dad for support and motivation comes around as often as the feeling of dropping out does these days.
I'm kidding about that last part, and I know I'll get my degree and miss the college days once I'm out of them, but currently I'm finding the balance of being happy when I'm at home and when I'm at school. Taking it day by day is the best I can do, and I'm listening to Dory more than ever these days: Just keep swimming.