One of the most said reasons for dropping out of college is one of the most absurd reasons there could be. "College isn't for everyone." What does this even mean?
College can be for everyone, you just have to apply yourself. You can't allow the stresses you have to overcome you to the point of believing you would be better off without college. Through my time in college I have known at least 5 people that have dropped out because "college isn't for everyone."
College is definitely different from high school, but it is definitely possible to go and thrive. All freshmen have a hard time adjusting to college life, but the best thing to do is stick it out for the sake of the future. Most people that drop out of college or take a break from it never return so its best to just stick it out and get it over with.
There are plenty of legitimate reasons to not go to college, but college "not being for everyone" is not one of them. When I hear people say this, I can actually feel my body cringe. The phrase makes it sound more like you're saying that you're not smart enough to make it in college, but the thing is, you are. Everyone is. Not everyone was taught college level skills in high school, but that doesn't mean that you can't make it through.
Everyone should stop saying this phrase because it tells younger children that going to college to get a degree and an amazing job with great pay may not be for them. This isn't the example we should be setting for children. We should instead encourage everyone that college can be for them and they will do incredible things there and in their future.