Somehow, August is already here, and it's almost halfway over. Move in day is right around the corner, and I am going to go out on a limb here by guessing you probably still haven't packed. If this is because you honestly have no idea where to start, then keep reading for some experienced advice. You've probably seen plenty of lists of the college "essentials," and I guarantee they are all different. If you think about it, college students are individuals going to different schools across the world so it actually makes sense that all these lists are different. This list may not hit everything, but here a few of the favorite things I brought and things I should've brought.
1. Medicine
You're young and get headaches, which definitely means you are going to need some Ibuprofen and Advil. Also, there is a good possibility that you will get sick for real and it's not going to be fun. Bring NyQuil and DayQuil, along with any other medicine you might need. Your mom will not be there to feed whatever it is to you out of the family medicine cabinet — you are on your own now.
3. Socks
Doing laundry sucks. You can get away with re-wearing your jeans a few times, but you cannot exactly re-wear your socks. I can't tell you how many times my laundry basket was filled with mainly socks, so bring socks. Lots of them!
4. Pictures
I truly do believe that pictures are the best memories. When you're missing home just looking at one picture may be the perfect solution. Take lots and lots of pictures too! These memories at college are ones to cherish!
5. Something from your room at home
It's important to feel comfortable in your dorm room. Do everything you can to make this feel like home. Whether that's a piece of wall decor or your favorite jersey, take it with you and hang it up on your wall.
6. A good attitude
As cliche as it sounds, do your best to have one! College is rough, especially the first couple of weeks. You're going to miss your family and your home. You're going to feel uncomfortable, but so is everyone else. Stick it out and, whatever you do, don't go home on the weekends because that's when you meet your best friends. If you want to complain about all the work you have to do and all of the stress you have, do it! You honestly deserve it, but just make sure to appreciate the people around you and the education you're getting.
Although this list is just a starting point, it's something. Good luck with packing literally your whole life and good luck with this chapter of life!