Spring break is three weeks away and I am already counting down the days. Why didn't anyone warn me that Sophomore year is so stressful? Don't get me wrong, I am extremely thankful to be given the opportunity to further my education. However, sometimes I just have to put my feelings first, and admit that I feel overwhelmed by my college workload.
Before any adults say “college is easy, you just need to apply your time” I do apply my time! This semester I am taking 18 credits, writing for the Odyssey, and active in two on-campus clubs. For those who are in the same predicament and balance a full/part-time job, I salute you. Recently, on Twitter, I came across a tweet stating “College isn't hard, the work just piles up on you” and related to that completely. I feel teachers should give homework because it gives clarity and practice in concepts that were not understood in class. But homework such as 40 multiple choice questions in macroeconomics, 40 multiple choice questions in accounting, 145 pages to read in fashion, a two page in essay in business writing, 45 pages to read plus a discussion question in international marketing, and 16 short answer questions in organizational behavior per week is excessive! Especially if you are not naturally gifted, so you have to take time outside of class to review lessons. And guess what? Somewhere in between all that work, I have to find time to eat, exercise, socialize, sleep, and apply for summer internships. On top of that, when you suffer from anxiety, managing symptoms is a full-time job in itself.
Its hard when you want to be successful but the process of achieving success requires you climb up a narrow mountain with a broken arm with 20/70 vision.
Or requires you to be this guy.
Nevertheless, When I feel defeated (which is often) I refer to my motivational quotes which states “Build your own dreams, or someone will hire you to build theirs” and “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty” to get me through. College is definitely a never-ending cycle of headaches, but I’m confident that I’ll eventually enjoy the fruits of my labor. Therefore, cheers to 2 ½ more months in the semester.