First of all, I'd just like to say that if you don't know who Ron Swanson is, I recommend that you binge watch "Parks and Rec" on Netflix immediately. I legitimately do not care if you stop reading this post after this sentence because "Parks and Rec" is more important than anything I could ever tell you.
Second, if you've made it this far, I would just like to congratulate you on your superb life choice to watch "Parks and Rec." I don't need to explain Ron Swanson to you.
Third of all, if you ignored my first warning and made it all the way down here but have never watched "Parks and Rec," I guess I should inform you about who Ron Swanson is. Ron Swanson is basically one of the greatest characters alive. That's all you need to know.
When you procrastinate everything and leave it to the last moment
Morning classes
When there's less than a month left in the semester/year
When you see a puppy or any huggable animal on campus
When you decide to avoid all responsibilities
"Class is canceled."
"There will be a curve."
When your parents finally come to visit and you get to eat something other than the campus food.
That one kid in your class who reminds the professor to pass around the attendance sheet or that he or she hasn't assigned homework
When your teacher assigns homework to do during break
When someone takes your officially unassigned assigned seat
When you oversleep and attendance is part of your overall grade
When there's a word minimum on a paper
Almost every college party
Math class
When your friends ask you if you want to go out for food, but you have no money
Hangovers when you still live in a dorm
When you get stressed in public and want to cry but also don't want to be seen crying in public
When your teacher assigns a group project, but you have no friends in the class
When the school Wi-Fi sucks
When you decide to get your shit together (and fail, yet again)
Last day of the semester