Donald Trump may be making all the headlines, but most people are probably laughing at his many facial expressions that are leaking all over the internet, than actually listening to a word he has to say. So here's a series of classic Trump faces I have compiled for you and how they represent a ordinary day of college.
The morning: When you realize it's about to be one long, boring lecture and you start to regret not staying in bed that morning.
Then your professor begins talking about something you couldn't care less about.
Somewhere as you were dosing off to sleep, your professor says something witty and relatable, something you actually understand.
Lunch time: You finally have a break in between classes so you head over to the dining hall and realize you have ran out of dining dollars on your meal plan.
So you reach a whole new realm of hangry.
Suddenly you remember you have some leftovers at home and all is right in the world again.
The afternoon: You're at your last class of the day and all is at peace until your professor assigns a midterm for the following week. You try to bargain with the professor about the exam date, but they shut you down immediately.
So you go home and try to study for it.
Then you remember how last time you studied for a test, you somehow still failed it.
You reach a mini panic attack when you realize you don't know a single thing on the study guide and you have less than a week to learn it.
The evening: So you call up your best friend for a quick distraction from the mess that is your life, and they tell you who they were with last night.
Then you tell them where you're going out tonight.
The night: Finally your day is done and you are free to go out with your friends. You're overconfident, walk up to a cute stranger and try your best to flirt but just make a fool out of yourself instead.
You walk away and laugh it off with your friends, but are secretly dying of embarrassment.
So after a long tiring day, you decide to head home and hit the sack, hoping that tomorrow things will only get better.