Hallmark movies are a classic staple for the Christmas season. What better movies to watch as they make gingerbread with their friends? There is something so innocent and beautiful about these happy and predictable movies. I love the pure endings and how everyone always seems to get engaged or married after three days of knowing each other.
Nobody knows how to do Christmas movies as Hallmark does and thanks to them, there are a few lessons of love to take from each cheesy line and cringe-worthy exchange.
1. Communication is key.
Every single problem that happens in a Hallmark movie is due to the lack of communication. Either someone doesn't say what they need to, someone keeps a secret, or someone walks away during a fight and doesn't let the other explain. This creates so much unnecessary drama and if the characters would have just been honest and upfront in the first place, none of this would have happened. So rule of thumb: just communicate. It's not too hard. It will save you time and energy if you just say it then and there.
2. Your one true love is always the one you least expect.
Every Hallmark movie has the main character go after what she thinks she wants, and have her end up with the person she least expected in the end. It really makes you think about how maybe your one true love is so close to you, you just aren't looking in the right place.
So all business women go look for your country, small-town boy, and country girls, go after those CEO's in crisp suits. Waitresses go find your princes, and writer's struggling in New York to make ends meet, go find love from the dog walker next door.
Love is in all sorts of corners and places and all you have to do is open your mind and look up from your phone.
3. You can't find love looking down on your phone.
Let's face it, the majority of Hallmark movies portray protagonists without their phones. Sure, you will see the casual phone call to their mother or best friend, but they aren't sitting in a coffee shop scrolling through Instagram. They are out doing things with their head up high and running into guys and spilling coffee on themselves, one scene at a time.
This Christmas put your phone down and be present in the moment. Decorate the tree with your family, bake cookies, drink hot chocolate, and build a snowman. Photographs can't replace beautiful memories.
4. Baking solves any type of heartbreak.
Mad, because you just found out your fiancé is laundering money and cheating on you with your ex-best friend and it all came out right as you were about to get married on Christmas Eve? Well, baking solves it all. Bake some gingerbread, sugar cookies, and a fruitcake. Eventually, the flour will soak up all your tears and you'll be good to go find your REAL prince charming. He's probably waiting for you next door with mistletoe and a cute puppy dog to push you two together.
Who knows, maybe he will join you in the kitchen too and you can have cute little food fights.
5. Money doesn't matter.
Just because he can afford dinner at the top of the highest point in New York City and buys you jewelry doesn't mean he's the catch you think he is. This goes the other way around too: just because you have a fantastic job in the city and own a penthouse on the upper east side, doesn't mean you're better than anyone else. All that matters is your heart. Luckily, according to every Hallmark movie ever, every frozen heart can be thawed.
So put away your checkbook, and focus on spending time with the ones you love. Whether that be a snowball fight, cookie making, or snuggling by the fire, it's a gift that cannot be bought.
6. If he cooks a home-cooked meal for you, don't let him go.
Have you ever met a Hallmark guy that didn't cook? Neither have I. It's the true way of knowing who the Hallmark hero is and more often than not, will be the breeding ground for the love to spark between the two characters. Double points if he feeds her the food.
8. If you can't be your goofiest self around him, then it's a no.
Relationships shouldn't be serious and boring. Make sure the guy is bringing out the best in you and makes you smile more than you frown. You shouldn't be afraid to show your goofy side with him.
9. How he decorates a tree determines how he treats relationships.
Does he just throw some ornaments up and walk away, calling it good? Or, does he carefully put each one on the tree, laughing with you as you celebrate Christmas together? How a guy decorates a tree determines how he treats a relationship so watch carefully. In fact, watch multiple Hallmark movies and judge how each character decorates a Christmas tree; the results will be astounding.
10. It's okay to be a little clumsy.
We have all been there. Whether you tripped on the last stair or you accidentally knocked over a priceless vase... it's all the same. Luckily for you, it's not a total deal breaker and some guys even find it endearing. Just... stay away from the expensive vase's.
11. Never assume things are the way they seem.
I know, it's hard to not immediately form your own opinion about someone based on what you've seen or heard. However, we should never take anything higher than face value, because sometimes, it can be false or misunderstood.
12. Family is everything.
Family is always #1 so if your significant other can't deal with them, and want you to choose, ditch him and pick your family. Boyfriends come and go but family is forever. I'm not even talking biological family. If your boyfriend can't deal with the people you love then he isn't the one you are supposed to be with. Hallmark Christmas movies are the first to point this out in almost every movie they show and emphasize on family importance.
13. Cherish love when you have it.
Don't take love for granted. Treat it right or else it will slip from your fingertips.
14. Everyone deserves a second chance.
Okay, this may be a stretch to say everyone, but in terms of Hallmark men, they show time and time again that second chances exist for a reason. We are all human and aren't perfect. Therefore, it's good to forgive and give someone another chance.
15. Never doubt the magic of a Christmas carol.
Even a simple Christmas song can stop a fight, bring two people together, or be the perfect background to a mistletoe kiss!
16. You can't find your happiness from being in a relationship.
Love yourself and where you are at before you enter into a relationship. Having a boyfriend won't fix your life or give you happiness.
17. Don't compare him to your ex.
This never ends well; comparison has no room in a relationship. Get to know him for him and choose to not subject him to the standards of the last guy you dated.
18. It's the little things that matter.
Remember little things such as their favorite drink or hobby, pick a flower for them from a garden, show up at their work to say hi, etc. Even a text or phone call could change their day dramatically.
19. Have the tough conversations.
It can be uncomfortable, but they are much needed for a healthy relationship.
20. Early declarations of love are perfectly fine.
Everyone is different. Saying 'I love you' after a week of dating? May be a little sudden for some people, but for others, it's the perfect timing.
21. Opposites attract.
Christmas haters match with Christmas lovers, small-town girls match with CEO's, and it goes on. You never know who you might be best with!
22.Trust the old man to give you love advice.
We may not understand them sometimes, and they may not understand us, but when push comes to shove they give out the best advice for all areas of life.
23. Don't hold grudges against exes.
Have you ever heard the phrase 'forgive and forget'? You will feel a lot better going through life if you are free of anger and resentment. You don't have to necessarily forgive them, but moving on with life will make you feel free.
24. When it's all said and done... dogs are better than people.
Who needs love when you have a dog?
25. Don't take love advice from Hallmark Christmas movies.
While we all probably wish we lived in a Hallmark movie around the holidays, the truth is, most likely it won't happen. Real life is filled with more awkward moments, miscommunication, and cringe-worthy dates. You probably won't find your true love on a ski trip with your family in Canada. On the bright side though, we have these movies to watch over and over and fall in love with as we sip hot chocolate by the fire.