1. The word spread in lecture
Nothings more exciting than seeing the nice weather knowing that a dage is approaching. It's ONLY the best SZN of the year!
2. The morning of ...
As Kendrick once said 'Wake Up, DRANK!' Nothing like a good breakfast and shower before the day spirals out of control. At least in a good way. Plus, NEVER go to a dage on an empty stomach.
3. Getting dressed up
The best thing about warm weather is showing off some of your best outfits. Because let's be real, you can't just show up to a dage in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Show off what you got, EVEN if it's your dad's favorite vacation shirt.
4. Heading there
You got the location, your drink, and now you're ready to head over and get the da-GE started!
5. You've arrived
You've officially entered a dage only zone. You're ready for nothing but great times ahead.
6. Catching up with friends
For those friends that you don't get to see mostly during the school week, now's a perfect opportunity to catch up with them and enjoy the time being.
7. The playlist
Whether a new album just came out or the throwbacks are about to come out, always prepare for the best time with the best tunes.
8. Cop bust
Womp Womp Womp. It's that time of the day. The police have unfortunately shown up to flag that the dage is over. The departure begins.
9. The after dage feast
You're sauced (Ha), and no one wants to go back home hangry. The best thing is to pick up or order as much food as possible so you can fall into a deep food coma in peace.
10. Until the next one
After a deep sleep, you wake up to photos in your camera you couldn't remember existed until just now with some regrets you didn't think you would make. You might have that hangover that makes you say 'you're never drinking again'. But lets be real, you had a great time and you're already preparing for the next one.