I started my freshman year of college about eight days ago. Before I moved unto campus, I was anxious thinking about how my school was going to take precautions during COVID-19, especially since I am going to college in one of the hotspots: Florida. I was also afraid that I was going to be sent home right after moving into college.
I did not think that going back to school during the pandemic was a bright idea at all. My senior year of high school ended so abruptly that I assumed that going back to school face-to-face was an automatic bad decision. In reality, though, the college I go to and I, personally, have been taking many precautions during this time. I have to wear a mask everywhere I go outside of my dorm. If I am not wearing a mask, then I am constantly being reminded by the staff to put one on. My school also gave out free masks.
Also, I was not sure how social life was going to occur due to COVID because of social distancing, but I have actually been meeting so many people because my school is taking precautions in order for us to have fun and meet people. My university still has events, but we split it up into groups to enjoy certain events. They usually host a ton of watch parties on campus through Zoom calls. All of the watch parties have limits on how many people can be in the room. Also, we all have to wear a mask at all times.
I feel that it is definitely possible to enjoy life and community during this pandemic. I also think that it is possible to go to college and enjoy classes in person as long as people take precautions. Since I have been in a new environment lately, I have been making sure that I always have my mask on, that I consistently wash my hands, encourage others to put on a mask, and more. I am not sure of the time when we will stop wearing masks or social distancing, but I definitely think that it's very important to take precautions so that we can have even more fun without masks.