So what is the best time to be in class? Should you be taking morning or night classes? Or should you register for a combination of both?
Now, if you are in college and currently a full time student, you know what I am talking about. Yes, I am talking about the liberty that comes along with your entrance in college, the part where you get to pick the time for your classes in accordance to your convenience, unlike that in high school.
While that sounds easy, things do get pretty heated when you sit to decide which time to pick and which classes to not. Debate over morning/night classes has become a real issue- Be aware!
To make things slightly easier for you I am about to list down all the pros and cons of having morning Vs night classes down below just so you can have a more clear idea as to how you might want your week to take off.
So here goes…
When you are done with your classes early in the morning, you get to have the rest of the day for a little adventurous.
Buthere is the thing, it’s great to get off classes early, sure, but if you are someone who stays up until dawn, morning classes might not do you any good.
Morning classes mean less people. If you are like me, slightly anti-social, then this will give you the perfect opportunity for a little sightseeing around the campus without having anyone hover over your shoulder.
But if you are a people person, night classes will probably be your safest bet.
According to health ambition, waking up early correlates to better grades. Now who wouldn’t want that?
But that’s only a statistic and statistics change all the time.
Waking up early means you can actually get some work done. Crowd is smaller and the library isn’t jam-packed. No distractions. Just the ideal ambiance for you get back to those unsolved homework problems.
But if you are a night owl you will only be wasting your time dozing off in your classes, since you have already used up all your energy staying up the night.
If you are a graduate, then it’s time to get started with some real grown-up job. 9:00 am would have to be your latest wake up time. But if you have been sleeping through every morning since the last four years, the transition with the real world is going to be rough.
But on the flipside you should probably get all the sleep while you still can, because that won’t be an option after you pull out of college.
Early larks have better emotional control
But night owls are smarter. Several research confirms.
While it's important to weigh the pros and cons of your morning/night classes, it's equally important you take a glance at your week before you clump your schedule with more classes than you can handle. In order to get things done early on, you don’t want to end up sabotaging your goals and graduate with no honors.