As we are in the middle of a pandemic, the tensions, and possibilities for the opportunity to go back to college arose. Each and every college decided their plan into starting the school year, but was it truly a good idea to come back?
In my opinion, I am completely severed at my response. For me specifically, school at home simply could not be the greatest option for me. Especially since my core classes are Journalism, which requires me to be out on the field. However, for my safety and the safety of others, I would result in online classes in order to combat Coronavirus. In this same situation are the students within the medical field. For example, medical students are required to complete labs, but is it possible that the labs can be done via Zoom or another online source? Well, that question can be in the air.
Another reason I believe online school can be difficult is the factor of those with learning disabilities. Especially people who need a teacher in order to fully grasp a concept and learn. There are so many components, especially accessibility. Does every student have the opportunity to use a device in order to receive the proper education? No, but yet, is there a win-win situation. People believe education may be more important whereas others see the opposite. In some people's eyes, like college students, being at school outweighs the fact of a pandemic. I believe most college students sometimes disregard the fact that we are within one. As of right now, I hear of a wide variety of people who have Covid-19 but seem to not care.
College students cannot think selfishly, it will be the root of our problems. If you do not care at college, then you will go home and spread the virus. I think coming back to college, it opened my eyes to a lot of ignorance among my generation. Sure, if you do not care about yourself that's one thing, but to put others in danger that is completely unacceptable.
Now, here we are at college and we see colleges around us slowly getting sent home or being put into quarantine. The measures some schools are taking do not seem like enough, the virus spreads so quickly and I do not think anyone realized it until you put kids back at college. For example, if one member in a Greek house becomes infected, then odds are the whole house will become infected too. I do not think some people heavily weighed some of these outcomes, but colleges are a business and they want our money.
Precautions and more measures need to be put into place in order for people to remain at college safely, whether it be closing down bars or further monitoring the campus and surrounding areas. Us college students also need to open our eyes and start to care more, because people don't seem to know the hard truth of it all.