1. Procrastination, Procrastination, PROCRASTINATION
It is a concept extremely familiar to the average college student. Though we normally associate procrastination with our schoolwork, let us not forget that we also regularly procrastinate on doing our laundry. I am by no means judging; how could I, considering that I frequently fall victim to laundry avoidance? I get it: you prioritize your time, electing to do the more important tasks (e.g. homework, extracurriculars, Netflix) before dealing with the pile of dirty clothes in your room. You put it off and put it off until one day you turn around and your hamper is overflowing with evidence of your evasion. Once again you have dug yourself into a hole, forcing yourself to devote an entire day to washing the mountain of dirty laundry you've accumulated.
2. The Trek to the Laundry Room
One of the biggest reality checks when you first start college is realizing that you no longer have a laundry room right down the hall like you do at home. Instead, the laundry facilities are located down what seems to be an endless flight of stairs or even all the way across a street. On a normal day, the trip to the laundry room seems like no big deal. However, when you're lugging around a pile of clothes that weighs the same as a small child, the journey becomes much more tasking.
3. Low-tech Machinery
Let's face it, when it comes to the quality of the technology, the washers and dryers provided are the equivalent of an iPhone 4. For one thing, there are no fancy settings for your special clothes. You're not even given the option to change the temperature or wash intensity, but left with the bare minimum of choices (what is Perm Press??). Not to mention, the dryers are always sub-par; no matter how long your clothes stay in there, they always come out slightly damp.
4. Sharing the Space
And now for the crème de la crème of college laundry struggles. At home, you're used to sharing a laundry room with just your family. At college, you share the room with an entire residence hall. The school provides a handful of machines for an armload of students, turning the simple task of laundry into a fierce competition. Take, for instance, the constant dilemma of deciding whether or not to move the anonymous person's clothes from the washer to dryer. Then–if you do end up moving the unclaimed articles of clothing–you later have to deal with the return of their owner. Having a co-ed facility, I cannot tell you how many times I've watched the expression of confusion on a young boy's face as they open up a washer and find my bras where their boxers used to be.
assorted-colored bra panties, and sport bra
Photo by Fahad Waseem on Unsplash
As much as college students may hate doing laundry on campus, it is something that simply cannot be avoided. So, I guess the only thing we can do is grin and bear it.
Or write an entire article complaining about it. Either works.
- The 6 Simple Steps Of Laundry Room Etiquette ›
- For The The Fool Who Stole My Underwear On Laundry Day ›