Sure it's a fictional show about people in the Parks and Recreation Department, but sometimes how they're feeling is exactly how college makes you feel
1. When you realize you're now completely on your own and will have to cook, clean, do laundry, and school work
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2. When your professor has everyone go around the room and say something about themselves on the first day and you panic
3. When you go out the night before a test you realize you're totally not prepared for
4. Every time you walk in to target for one thing but find a million other things you need:
5. When you pull an all nighter writing a paper and roll out of bed for your 8 AM class
6. When you have an 8 AM class with a professor who takes attendance
7. When you have to motivate yourself to write a ten-page paper by 10 PM so you can make it to the pregame
8. When the group asks for your opinion on the group project you haven't even looked at
9. When your teacher extends the deadline on a paper
10. When your professor drops the lowest grade and has a curve
11. When finals week hits
See? They're totally relatable...