Thanksgiving is over and now it is time to finish off the semester; Christmas is almost here! Just to get you through these next few weeks we have the famous Michelle Tanner and her wise words. College is difficult, but Michelle can explain it exactly how it is.
1. All-Nighters
Probably should've started that ten page paper awhile ago but tonight was the best idea. You need to study for a final, coffee it is.
2. Diets
The Freshman 15 is a real thing, but who likes diets anyways? You want to stay healthy and keep in shape but food is just too good.
3. Talking to parents about grades
The pressure is all too real and everyone wants you to do your best. Talking to your parents about your grades is scary, especially after a rough semester.
4. Class punctuality
That alarm didn't go off or you were doing a homework assignment. You find a way to get to class somewhat on time...hopefully.
5. Money?
You are poor, just face it, any normal college kid is. Shake your piggy bank upside down...maybe you can find some extra cash lying around. You do need some quarters for laundry.
6. Cafeteria food
It's not your momma's cooking that's for sure.
7. "Write something creative"
When your professor insists that your papers cannot be boring and need to have some excitement to them.
8. Relationships
9. Walk of Shame
It is OK act cool no one will know!
10. No homework
When the surprising and rare moment when a professor tells you that you don't have any homework. Don't ask why just accept the gift.
11. Exercise
You know you need to, somehow you get yourself to the gym and try to start working out. One pound weights sound about right, don't wanna push yourself.
12. End of the semester
You are happy that the homework has ended for a little bit and you can stop pulling out your hair. But you realize the people you live with you won't be seeing them everyday for awhile.
13. Obnoxious classmates
Those students who laugh at everything the teacher says. "Teachers pets," perhaps, and you have to deal with them for an entire semester...hopefully not more than that.
14. Visits home
Eat as much as you can get you'll never know when you will be back again. Good food must be cherished.
15. Professors who give homework over break
There is a special place in hell for professors like this. We all know they aren't doing work over break, why do we have to?
16. Weird boys trying to hang out with you
This is one of the most awkward situations when an awkward human just won't leave you alone.
17. Getting praised
Those odd moments where people thank you for something and you have no idea what they are talking about. So you take credit anyway especially if it is your professor or your parents.
18. When you're sick
It is the thought that counts, anything to try and survive the illness that has taken over your body.
19. Talking to Financial Aid
You have to do it even though no matter how much you cry you know you will never be able to get more money from them.
20. The end result
It is all worth it in the end when you get that diploma. You can survive and when it gets hard, maybe just watch a little "Full House," it's a classic.
Finish the semester strong there are only a few more weeks! The sweet taste of freedom is almost here. Michelle Tanner is always here to put a smile on your face.