Being on a college student budget for groceries does not make being a vegetarian easy.
Since my senior year of high school, I have been a vegetarian and I never had a hard time until college came around. Living at home and having your mom make you dinner, especially a vegetarian one, is a blessing I took for granted. Now that I have to juggle paying for bills, gas, and groceries every week, it makes it so much harder.
We all know how expensive fruits and vegetables are, and having a budget of $30-$50 a week for food limits the amount of food you can get for your money. Yes, there are alternatives to eating meat, but the substitutes like veggie patties and veggie burgers are still rather pricey.
Don't even get me started on trying to find a decent meal while living on campus, and having to pray they make a vegetarian option for dinner.
Salads get boring after a while and having carbs for every meal isn't healthy. It is sad that we live in an age where healthy foods are still so much more expensive than a burger or fries, and converting back to having meat again just isn't an option.
Pasta is amazing, but try having it for every meal.
Going out to eat is also a struggle because fast food is geared towards people who eat meat, so finding something other than a salad on the menu is a hit or miss. No one likes having to be the one to always have to say, "If we eat there, is there something I can actually have?" or being at a restaurant and realizing there's nothing there for you besides soup or a salad.
Not liking or eating meat is a struggle.
Meat lovers, I'm jealous.