6. Becca Shimmering Skin Pressed Highlighter - $38 | The Odyssey Online
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7 college budget-friendly Beauty products you need this summer

Tried and tested, from someone who really doesn't care.

7 college budget-friendly Beauty products you need this summer

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I've always been obsessed with finding good makeup products at miracle prices. Many products without the well-known label are actually made in the same factory with the same ingredients.

I'm not a makeup snob. In fact, I look for the cheapest stuff I can find that will do the trick. Because of that, I stumble upon some quality products that I swear by. Also, getting adult acne has been less than fun so I have been raiding drug stores and department stores for any products to help my face.

Although some of these products aren't dirt cheap, they are effective and last a long time. Enjoy!

1. AVEDA Smooth Infusion Styling Creme - $26


This magical serum is something I can't leave the house without if that trip includes a shower. If your hair doesn't stand a chance during the fight against humidity, try this stuff. It relaxes frizz, softens broken hair and also smells fantastic. Plus, it lasts forever. A small dab of it can also be used on dry hair for extra smoothness.

2. Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse -$8


I am the queen of cheap drugstore makeup. Maybelline is one of my favorite inexpensive makeup lines that I can purchase at my local Walgreens, as well as Ulta Beauty. Kiss your average liquid foundation goodbye. This foundation is one of the best products I've found in recent months. It rids my face of shine while also providing a barely-there coverage. The texture is super soft so I don't feel as guilty putting it on my face.

3. Glossier Stretch Concealer - $18


I LOVE Glossier. I first ordered from them last year when I saw an ad for their Milky Jelly Cleanser, which I didn't stick with but would still recommend. When I was in New York this Spring, I bought one of their concealers from a showroom. I cherish this product. I didn't know how concealer really worked before buying this product because I am quite clueless in the lexicon of makeup, but I can proudly say I use this almost every day. It's lightweight and provides a bit of shine for a fresh, finished look. I've barely gone through half of it since March, which is also a mega plus.

4. Clinique Moisture Surge - $40


This moisturizer isn't the cheapest item on this list, but it's the most important in my book. I have been using this product since I was in high school and I haven't found anything better since. It's fragrance-free, cures my dry skin and is pink. Without this product, my skin would still be dry and sensitive from all of the years I let my face succumb to Proactiv and all its evils.

5. Maybelline Master Prime - $8


Just like concealer, I have just learned the importance of a primer. It acts as a mini-moisturizer, illuminator and sunscreen for my face. Because I struggle with acne, I am very careful about which sunscreens I put on my face. This stuff goes on lightly and acts as a quality base for my other makeup. It also provides a shimmery glow that is perfect for summer.

6. Becca Shimmering Skin Pressed Highlighter - $38


Don't fret at the price tag, this stuff will last a year and then some. I'm not too protective of my makeup, but I would never bring this stuff out of the house, because I care for it too much. Don't worry, I hate myself too for talking about a highlighter compact like a child. But it's the real deal. They offer many shades so you can pick your favorite pearly highlighter.

7. Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing - $13


Although I feel like this girl form "Hey! Arnold," I love this product. After first using this mask, I quickly hopped online to read about the negative effects of it because it was so strong. But I couldn't find anything; only reviews of people raving about this product. Despite it being tedious to mix the powder with water yourself, this clay mask is powerful. When I put it on every week or so, I can literally feel my face pulsate after about 15 minutes. This stuff really does strip the gross residues off of your face for a great price.

To reiterate, these products have saved my beauty product life.

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