Everyone goes to college wanting the new experiences it will bring; being on your own away from parents, meeting new people, joining clubs in the community, you name it. I think what most college students don’t expect is to find their ultimate best friends, but I got lucky and found just that.
The transition from high school to college wasn't the most difficult part in my experience, it was the fact that I had to start all over again and only knew a couple other people upon arriving. I consider myself a person that makes new friends pretty easily, but the fact that I was away from my little corner of the world I call home meant that I was completely out of my comfort zone and that's what scared me the most.
Friends are what have always kept me grounded, making me feel secure. If I was ever without my friends for longer than a few minutes, the withdrawal would set in and I needed to see them ASAP. I believe that's what made my first semester so much more difficult than this semester, because I have so many more friends now than I did then.
Obviously, we all had our best friends in high school, but we're talking about college, the next four years of our lives. Unless you go to college with all of your friends from high school, you likely won't have very many if any there with you during college. As I said, I knew just about no one which often made me homesick. My first semester was mostly spent hiding in my room, though I did make a few friends. This semester I really managed to break out of my shell, joining a sorority. Little did I know that this would be the best decision I have ever made.
Because of this sorority, I now have some of the best friends that I could ever have. I truly have found my best friends, my sisters, my future bridesmaids, but on top of all that, I found my future roommate who just so happens to be my best friend. Looking back at last semester, I don’t know how I got through it without the group of girls I have now.
The times I spend with these girls are without a doubt some of my favorite moments thus far. There have been so many laughs and good times that I know my future college experience with them by my side will be unforgetable and for that, I cannot wait.
To anyone thinking of joining any sort of organization in college, I highly recommend doing so. You never know what will come of it, maybe it’ll bring your best friends like it has for me. Like they say, “The best things come unexpectedly,” and that definitely applies to this scenario. Get out there, get involved, you might just thank yourself if you do.
Had you told me I would find my forever best friends in college even three months ago, I would not have believed it for even a second. Here we are though, and I can honestly say that this semester has led to me finding some of my forever best friends, I can only hope that the rest of my college experience means finding even more.
To those that have chosen to put up with the shenanigans I come with; asking for McDonald’s at random times, complaining about my many everyday troubles, or even needing a ride somewhere, I truly cannot thank you enough. The ones that bring out the best in me, the ones who are always there for me, are the ones I call my best friends.