After surviving a year of college and watching "Clueless" countless times, I've come to the conclusion that college boy charm is very much a real thing and it's very very attractive. It's easiest explained through Paul Rudd's character, Josh, in "Clueless". The boy who has a grip on his life and is totally charming. In this article, I will list the qualities of a specimen with College Boy Charm, to help you identify him at your next party or other social events.
He's wearing a dopey smile
Why is he smiling like that? We don't know, but it is very cute. He smiles like the guy who led the orientation group that you all definitely were crushing on.
You are very nervous to talk to him
The joke of the matter is he looks so friendly and charming, it's scary.
He's barely drunk
When you ask him how many he had to drink and he says "Only one beer".
(●♡∀♡) He's so nonchalant about his self-control (´∀`)♡
He's what high school you envisioned all college boys would look like
High school you were so ready to go to college and finally date REAL MEN. You imagined these good, tidy, studious, boys. Upon arrival at your campus, you realized how rare these mythical creatures are. They are very hard to track down as vaping has become common practice among many college brothers, but when they are found it suddenly becomes very clear that he is the one you imagined all throughout high school.