To my beautiful best friends,
Wow. Just like that, freshman year of college has ended. Who would have thought? We have a whole year under our belts, and I couldn't be more excited to continue this journey with you. I remember the weeks leading up to move-in day, being so nervous and fearful that I wouldn't find any genuine friends, or people that truly cared about me. I felt like a little girl again, hoping that I would find at least one person that liked me out of a sea of thousands. My whole life was changing in the blink of an eye, and I was deathly afraid of having to go through the experience all by myself.
But then you came along.
Whether it was as we passed by each other in the dorms those first couple weeks, or found each other in mutual company at the dining hall, or even discovered one another through mutual organizations, something clicked when I met you. It was like this magical moment, looking at your toothy grin, and realizing, this girl totally gets me.
It all went full speed ahead from there. We told each other everything, from our lives back home, to our greatest fears, our fondest adventures, and our hopes for the future. There were times when I worried that I was talking your ear off or making you think in your head- woah, she's nuts. But never once did you make me feel unwanted or unloved. With you at my side, I felt confident and happy, and as though I had found a truly genuine friendship.
As I look upon the countless memories we have made in the past array of months here at college, I must say that there is no other group of girls that I would have rather had this experience with; From the highest highs to the lowest lows, from the uncontrollable giggles to the heartbroken tears, I am so unbelievably grateful. There is so much I want to thank you for- honestly, more than I can physically put into words. But, I hope this at least provides a fraction of thanks for all that you have done. So, without further ado.....
Thank you.
Thank you for listening to me when I needed to vent about anything and everything that was bothering me in the world, and providing me with words of optimism to cheer me up.
Thank you for participating in countless nightly activities with me. Whether it be a crazy dance extravaganza in the dorms, a night out on the town, a pizza and Netflix party, a massive gossip session, or a hilarious night of giggles, you were always there to make the night memorable.
Thank you for making me laugh uncontrollably, especially in the times when I needed it most. Your beautiful smile and relatable humor could always cheer me up on a gloomy day.
Thank you for putting me in my place when I needed it, and keeping my feet on the ground. You encouraged me to be the best I could be, but kept me sane and realistic through it all.
Thank you for never doubting me, and believing in me. Your support and encouragement through all my endeavors, whether it be a sports competition, a big test, or nerve wrecking performance, always encouraged me to be the best version of myself.
Thank you for giving me a shoulder to cry on when I felt the world crashing at my feet, and reminding me to love myself even when I thought it was impossible. You instilled me with confidence and reminded me of the beauty in myself, as well as the beauty in life.
Thank you for having my back through every crossroads, from personal struggles to stress at school or practice. You were always at my side, and willing to do whatever it took to make me smile- whether it be ice cream at 2am, or simply giving me a nurturing hug.
Thank you for pushing me to try new things I never thought I could have done before, and giving me a greater sense of adventure. From jumping off cliffs to watching sunsets light up the sky, we have stories that I know I will tell my kids one day.
And, above all, thank you for every ounce of love you have given me, through every possible instance here at college. Freshman year truly is a life changing experience that can flip your world upside down, for better or for worse. Thank you so much for making this the best year of my life. I truly couldn't have done it without you.
a truly thankful friend