College is hard. In high school, I ruled the hallways and the teachers. I was the queen of social and organized--not so much anymore. The adjustment to college has been huge, but the biggest one of all was leaving my best friend behind. I obviously told her everything and she was my go to for a movie date or a raging party, we were attached at the hip.
As someone who was friends or at least aquaintences with most of the people in my graduating class, I thought I would have no trouble making friends in college. The only problem was that I had sort of forgotten how!
So it's like the third week of school and I found a group of girls to go out with, and I really got along with a girl who is like my twin. I decided the best way to make friends was to be upfront and I straight up said, "Lets be friends". Well, that girl is now my college best friend. This my struggle: am I cheating on my high school best friend? How can I have two best friends?
I've decided that since my high school best friend goes to a different college, having two best friends is totally normal. I still call my high school best friend every week, but when I need a study buddy or someone to eat dinner with and look at Tinder matches with, my college best friend of there to support me.
They know about each other and the great thing is, that they have other best friends too! When I am locked in my room finishing a final paper, I know that they have someone they can turn to for advice. And when it's me that need help, I have not only one, but two amazing best friends to turn to!