College. The only place you can go from laughing and loving life, to crying and wanting to drop out in the matter of minutes. Meet Reagan. A 2-year-old who understands the struggles of being a college student yet she doesn't even know what college is. In a weird way, college students are a lot like toddlers and Reagan pretty much sums up the average week for any undergrad away at school
When you completely BS a paper the night before it's due and still get an A.
Procrastination. We all do it, we all hate that we do it, and we all pretend we do our "best work" under pressure to make ourselves feel better about waiting until the last minute yet again. But, there's no better feeling than getting a grade you totally didn't deserve on an assignment you probably should have put a little, I mean, a lot more time into.
When you see parking services writing you a ticket so you sprint to your car.
The reality of it is there just isn't enough parking spots for every student and sometimes you have to be a risk taker. You have to accept the possible consequences and be confident enough to park where you shouldn't. But when parking services decides to still be ruthless and ticket you anyway, you better get your running shoes on and stop 'em.
When you're out with your friends and you just want to dance.
Different nights have different agendas. Sometimes you just want a chill, relaxing night, and other nights? Well, you want the opposite. We've all had those nights when the only thing you're looking to do is dance for hours. Dance by yourself, dance with your friends, maybe on a stage, maybe to songs you don't even know!
Once you get done dancing at the bar and remember you had homework due at midnight.
We have all been there. What you thought was going to be a fun night just took a turn for the worst because that weekly quiz you have due at midnight? Yeah you're taking a big loss this week.
When you run into your crush and try to play it cool but still look cute.
You don't want to be TOO obvious, but you obviously want them to notice you.
When you think you had way more in your bank account than you actually do.
Honestly, all I have to say to this terrible feeling is yikes.
When you leave an appointment with your advisor.
If anything, advising appointments are more stressful and confusing than they are helpful. Half the time you figure out what classes you're taking and when on you're own anyways and just meet with your advisor because it's required. A half hour that is supposed to be beneficial but instead you leave completely lost.
When you go out the night before but have to act calm, cool, and collected the next morning.
There was a split second where you considered being responsible and staying in because you had to be an adult the next morning and go to work or class the next morning, but hey! You're only young once! You're only in college once! Sure, you can go out, only have a drink or two and still get up feeling great in the morning. Yeah, nice try.
When wake up to a cancelled class email.
No feeling will ever compare to getting the magical email that class is cancelled. What will you do with the free time? Work on some homework? Get a jump start on that paper due in a few weeks? Go for a run around campus? Hmmm, more like go back to bed.
When you leave class on Thursday and realize it's the weekend.
Sorry Friday class goers, it's the freakin' weekend, baby I'm about to have me some fun.