Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants! But what about the dreary neighbor whom we didn't understand as children? Suddenly as college student, his narcissistic viewpoints, rude comments, and boring interests seem strikingly familiar. His reactions are priceless. His comments are blunt. He knows exactly what every college student is already thinking. So here's to all the times that Squidward Tentacles got college just right.
1. The daily reaction to the roommates down the hall. You know, the obnoxious ones.
Yes, rolling around on the floor down the hallway in your sleeping bag is exactly what you need to do to ace that biochemistry class. We all enjoy the entertainment.
2. Your morning, noon, and nightly routine.
Every day, you close your eyes for whatever sleep you can get. But we all know this is our actual thought process.
3. When you see couples on campus.
Enough said.
4. When you step outside your dorm and it's raining.
Let's be honest, we all despise rainy days. Especially when you must walk outside from class to class, when you try to do your hair, or when you forget your umbrella. It's OK. Go back to bed; we all wish we had.
5. Your thoughts after every exam.
Sometimes it is that serious.
6. Waking up to an email from your professor.
Nobody likes starting their day with assignments or reminders. We all hope the email says class is cancelled, but that is dreaming big.
7. That moment when you finish the assignment... at 4:00 A.M.
Now, hopefully a few hours of sleep before class... or maybe you should begin your other assignment due that day.
8. Roommates. Can't live with them. Can't live without them.
Some days, you wish it were that easy.
9. You have a love-love relationship with food.
You live off of McDonald's, the cafeteria, and the endless amounts of junk food in your dorm room.
10. When you finally make it home for summer break.
After a semester full of all-nighters, late nights out, junk food and endless reading and papers, we all need a little sleep... or 100 years of it. You choose.
11. When it all finally makes sense.
College may be difficult. It sucks sometimes, and most days you just would rather go back to bed. But the truth is, college is such an amazing experience that we take for granted. When you realize the benefits and privilege you have. Now that is worth a smile.