As a college student, we constantly encounter people we're not completely fond of, places we don't want to be, and things we don't want to experience. In a lot of ways, we're just like Ron Swanson. The only difference being that Ron dreads going to work at the city hall when he'd rather be hunting or eating breakfast foods, and we dread going to class when we'd rather be watching Netflix or napping. If you're this type of student--stay tuned. College as told by Ron Swanson is for you.
College in general:
College is great, but sometimes being away from home, living in a place with a bunch of strangers, and having lots of people give you responsibilities is scary.
When things get tough and you lock yourself in your room:
Sorry, everyone, but I have to lock myself in this room and not care about the outside world for a little while.
I can't:
When you cancel or say no to plans for no reason at all. I can't, I have a meeting. I can't, I have a doctor's appointment. I can't, I have this paper. I can't, I have all this homework. I can't blah blah blah. We've all done it. But 9 times out of 10, we really don't have anything to do at all. Not doing anything just sounds a whole lot better.
When you see someone cute on campus:
We all have that awkward subconscious look we get on our face when we walk by someone attractive on campus.
When you had three exams and two papers due this week and you make it to Friday:
Weeks like these kill. When you finally make it to the weekend, it calls for a happy dance.
When the kid that sits behind you in class never shuts up:
Hey, kid. I'm trying to listen to this lecture (that I actually don't want to be listening to) but if you could please stop making noises and being loud, that'd be great. THANKS.
When you're working on a 700 word paper and only have 400 words:
Dogs. Pineapples. Flowers. Giraffe. Purple.
It's midnight and you begin to eat everything in sight:
It is a frequent event for the thought of food to cause you to be extremely hungry late at night, so you begin to eat everything in your dorm room... but it's still not enough.
When you begin to regret every decision you've made in your life thus far:
This moment happens: you have no idea what you're doing or where you're going with your life, and you think about all of the wrong decisions you've made as a college student. We've all been there.
When you remember you really don't care:
You go through the quick minute of regretting everything in your life but then you remember--Oh wait, I really don't care.
All in all, college students are basically a bunch of Ron Swansons running around campus.