At this point in the school year, I don't think anything can describe college as well as "Elf."
For starters, most of the morning is spent in the bathroom, pretending that you don't have to go to class. Actually, doing anything that means not getting ready for class. This includes questioning why you even scheduled a class before noon and crying about it.
And while breakfast should be the most important meal of the day, usually you just end up eating whatever you can find on your way out the door. Anything prepackaged and preferably chocolate will do.
The most comforting thing is knowing that everyone else is in the same boat, so as you sleepwalk to class you see tons of people you know. Sadly, being sleepy also makes you think that someone is waving to you across campus... When clearly they are not...
Also, this is test season, so cramming for finals is a must. Seriously, you have to study for finals.
You go to all of your classes and take notes. You really try to be a good student. Yet, when you go to the tests there's always one question that the professor told you not to worry about in class.
When you leave any test you're always always always hard on yourself. Most of the time the assumption is that you failed miserably.
But simultaneously, you're also so excited to be done with the tests and ready for the break!
Odds are after the test, you'll make plans with your friends. This post-finals time is truly freeing. In true college fashion, you make way too many plans that you probably won't actually complete. In fact, you'll probably just binge on Netflix, but externally you're like:
But before you get too excited, don't forget there's always next semester!
And if you've made it to the end of my article, I just have one thing to say to you: