If you are anything like me, April Ludgate is your spirit animal and college life is difficult, especially this time of the semester when everything is chaotic and summer is so close. Here is college explained by April Ludgate in her witty, artful, sarcastic and sometimes hateful way that we have all come to know and love. Enjoy!
1. When the professor calls on you after you were completely not paying attention and have no clue as to what is happening in class.
2. When you have to start adulting (such as paying for gas, food, bills, grocery shopping and everything else you had never thought of before) on your own.
3. When you are halfway excited to go back after break, but then your professor gives you your syllabus for the semester and it is nothing but insane amounts of reading, papers and projects.
4. When you have a big presentation that you have to do in front of the whole class.
5. When you are trying to pep talk yourself into being productive.
6. When your friend asks you about your parents.
7. When you contemplate dropping out, but then have to come up with another plan as to what you will do with your life.
8. When you are asked what your hobbies are in life.
9. Sitting in your 8 a.m. class like...
10. After you finally make it out of a class alive at the end of the semester.
11. When your professor unexpectedly cancels class last minute.
12. When you are in the middle of a test that you apparently did not study enough for.
13. When you are trying to convince your parents that you are being a great, responsible adult.
14. When high schoolers come to campus and you are forced to interact with them.
15. When someone asks why you chose your major.
16. When you realize how much you have due and you have procrastinated all semester.
17. When you get your test back that you bombed...
18. But when you actually get a good grade on a test.
19. When you are with your squad trying to give a presentation.
20. And finally...when you are asked why you are even in college
My fellow April Ludgates: keep pushing on. We will conquer college!