The most stressful thing in the world is filling out college applications. So, instead of filling them out, I will write this article instead describing just how awful it is.
1. Picking out colleges to apply to!
Now this may seem fun because it is the first time ever you get to choose where you want to live for the next four years, but no. No. NO! It is not fun! It is stressful, because not only does it have to be the perfect environment; it has to be a school you can get into. It has to be a school you can afford. It has to be a school you will love! Did I hear stress? Stress? and more stress?
2. Figuring out how you're going to afford the school!
Mommy and Daddy can not save you in the real world. This is a lot of money, I mean a lot as in i can't count that high. 4 years paying this amount, and you got to think about the loans. Is this degree even worth it? Is college even worth it? I mean mom and dad can help you a little bit, but at the end of the day they have other siblings they need to worry about too!
3. Filling out the nitty gritty details!
What race do you identify with? What college did your parents go to again? How old are your siblings? Do you have or have you had any relatives go to this college? Why do you want to go to this college specifically? What makes you someone that the college wants at their school? Any special talents? I mean what have you been doing all these years? Sitting on your butt? Probably because that is probably what I've been doing!
4. Submitting the application!
You submit the application, and then you look and for some reason decide now is the time to look it over. Wow. There is one, two three, four, five--oh no, I can't look anymore there are WAY too many spelling errors! They probably think I'm dumb, which means I can mark that college off my list of places I'll go because we all know I will not be getting into there.
5. The waiting game!
What if you do not get into any college? I mean I have to get into one right? At least one! I'm not that dumb, I think I'm pretty special! My mommy says so! Goodness just wait. Be patient, they have like 4 months to get back with you, chill out a little bit. You go online and start typing in the statistics to the percentage of students that get into the school...5%? Wow. Thats great.
Good luck!